
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Went for a walk today

I love nature, the spring time is the best.  So much to see, everything is new .
This is the trail leading to the pond.  We've have geese that come back every year to have babies.  We checked on her two days ago and she was still on the nest, but today.....

The whole family out for a stroll.  How cute!  Daddy didn't like me being there and acted like he was gonna come after me, so  I high tailed it out of there!  Being bite my a goose isn't on my top ten list of things to do on a stroll.

The brigde that leads to the wild flower patch.  Which right now is the weed patch.  Hopefully it does better later in the year.

Clematis on the pergola.

I have no idea what this is, found it laying on the ground.  I'm pretty sure its a bloom from a tree I just don't know which one.


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