
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ornament block

A few months ago I remember seeing  something similar to this block, but where?  I tired of searching and decided to draft my own.   Using scraps from Joy by Moda and Kona Snow White.  At first I thought I could just cut out my own charms then creativity hit me and began experimenting  with fussy cutting and using leftover strings of fabric.  A wall hanging, tree skirt or a table runner....decisions, decisions. 

The scraps for the ornament blocks came from this quilt that was started months ago.  The orignal plan was to do some applique, plans changed today!  I just put the two borders on today, Lots of white space for detailed quilting on this one!  Will it be done by Christmas....oh probably not.  At least it's now made it to the flimsy status and can go in the box with the others. 

Until next time  "Quilt out of your Comfort Zone!"


  1. who said it had to be done THIS Christmas? seems to me you are ahead for NEXT time xx Have a good holiday xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The ornament blocks are so cute!


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