
Monday, April 29, 2013

Design Wall Monday...Weakness

It's a fact, Will Power has left the studio.  Honestly the amount of effort it takes not to start something new is just to overwhelming!  I've opened the stash cabinets in OCD fashion for weeks now.  Looking at the fabrics, flipping through magazines, books and web pages.  It causes more issues than it fixes.  So sometimes a gal just has to admit that she has an issue, except it, own it, and GO WITH IT!  It felt so good to just dive in and do it!  A weight lifted off my chest...A NEW project!  So exciting!  
 You can find this Barn Along here.  If you look in the sidebar of the blog you'll see a flicker link to everyones blocks and links to all of the barn blocks.  So far Lori has given 5 block instructions.  I'm in the mood to get these put together so I'm moving ahead with my own blocks from her site and other sites.  Her blog also has many great tips for drafting your own blocks, take time to look around, you won't be sorry!
This is one (above) that I worked up in EQ, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!  Each block on the side of the barn is 6 inches!  The basket block below has 1/2 finished hst's!  Yikes!  Very much a challenge and out of my comfort zone.  Thanks to Lynn's great instructions and going very S-L-O-W  it came together with no issues.
 This little cutie patootie(above) is from Lynn Wilders blog.  I changed it just a bit by taking out the four patch in the corner, now I'm wishing I had left it in the block and made my basket handle red....Oh Well.  Oh you can find the pattern here.  
 Postage stamp, 1 inch squares of mostly 30's repo's.
The barn finishes at 14.5 
If you follow Lori's instructions these will be sashed and finish larger.
 Of course I can't stick to a pattern, so I'm playing around with other ideas on how to set these blocks.
 If you watch the video for block five(above) you'll see Lori using a product that lays on the bed of your machine to help sew a straight line on hst's without marking.  Instead of running right out and buying something that I may or may not like, I made my own.  Just laid out a piece of tape, marked down the center with a marker and ruler.  After placing on my machine I took a razor blade and cut the tape so I could open the bobbin door, and cut away the excess on my feed dogs.  Works like a charm!  And I didn't need to buy a thing!
Again today I'm linking up with Judy over at Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday.  Hop on over and be inspired by others handy work.  I always find something new that I'd like to make!  Go figure!
Until next time 
"Quilt out of your Comfort Zone!"


  1. Each and every one is just as cute as it can be Lea!

  2. I see nothing wrong with starting a new project any time you want. I do it all the time. Your barns are great. Love the fabric choices and BTW, fondling fabric is a great way to relax....LOL
    Take care.

  3. I have the Barn-Along on my list of NEWFO's. I just need to get them started. Your blocks are looking great!

  4. Your quilt barns are all adorable! Well done!

  5. Oh yes...I have "issues" and I openly admit it :)
    I have a raging case of startitis! LOL


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne