
Monday, December 23, 2013

A little of this and that

Before sharing what's been going on in Podunk I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!  I know many of you have been stitching up those last minutes gifts.  Because I seem to always get behind on the Christmas sewing gifts I decided not to make any stitchy gifts.  But our Christmas gifts are homemade.  It took me a whole after noon to decorate enough of these for 9 different people.  Each box will be filled with about 6 different canned goods, deer jerky and some fancy bought crackers and bread.
Me and my kids and my brothers kids are all making ugly Christmas sweaters to wear at mommas tomorrow.  Mom has no idea!  She's a bit of a fuddy duddy.  You know the kind, doesn't like change, thinks that things need to be just a certain way, and laughs very little.  So we try every year to make her laugh, well all year long actually.  Anyway...I raided Ross's closet for old sweaters that he never wears, cut them down the middle for easy on and off.
One for me.....
....and one for him, he wants me to add buttons, big buttons.  No time for buttons!
Not everything in the last week has been about Christmas.  I started a crochet project.  It's a variation of a granny square, the red is sorta 3D, it stands up off the background.  See the difference a needle makes?  I also had to change the pattern a bit, imagine that, me not sticking to the pattern!  See how the small block curves on the sides?  After tugging and trying to pull it into shape I added one extra chain to the corners giving the larger block a straighter appearance and it can be blocked a lot easier.
This is made from the Scraps of the Confetti quilt.  It went together fast because most of the work was already done.   Still needs another border?  Maybe just keep going and make a table cloth!  In order to put this on the table I had to sand out the water spots on the cherry table....not a fun project.  Up until now we have just kept a table cloth on it to hide about 3, the size of your hand, bright white water spots. 
Well that's it.  No more to share.  Now let the baking begin! 

~Lea Anne~


  1. What a great idea with the sweaters xx HOPE so much it makes your mum laugh ..OUT LOUD xx
    Have a wonderful Christmas x

  2. Merry Christmas to you, too! Love the sweater idea. Here's to lots of laughter at your family gathering!

  3. Merry Christmas. Hope you have a great day and good food. I enjoy your blog and admire all the work you do.


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