
Monday, March 3, 2014

Ahoy Matey!

This weekend was spent conquering the Ocean Waves!  Well these aren't tidal waves just tiny little ripples.  Or should I say TEDIOUS waves.  After searching vast internet ocean of HST's quilt patterns I found this block to be the most appealing.  Changing the size and the center square.  My idea came from She can quilt blog.   Her block is much bigger, 24 inches.
 Sewing these little 1.25 squares together can by quite tricky.  There's so little for the feed dogs to grab.  They want to shift when going over the seams.  With a little trial and error I found that by pulling the chained pieces from the back helped to keep them sailing straight.  
It's not a fast moving voyage.   Each block takes about an hour to piece.  That's about my limit on sitting in one spot.   
Here's a rough draft of the finished product.  15x22  See just smal little ripples...
Let me explain that I didn't cut all these small pieces.  They are clipped corners from this quilt.  Squaring them up was needed.  Throwing away sewable fabric isn't an option.  Many times I've tossed small pieces in the trash only to go back and dig them out.   It's some type of OCD I'm sure of it!  
Well it's back to the studio.  One more coat of paint on the last cabinet!  Yeah!  Now a new decision, what color to paint the walls?  As soon as everything is back in place I'll give you the grand tour of what's been done so far.  Not only have I been painting, but sewing up some accesories.

With all the cold weather and snow quilters have been stitching up a storm.  Slide on over to Judy's to see some warm and inviting design walls that are sure to light a fire in your creativity!

~Lea Anne~ 


  1. That is going to be a spectacular quilt!

  2. Those look wonderful. That's a lot of work for a tiny 8" block ;-)

  3. Oh, I love those! And I love the "mother quilt" too! You have more patience than I do! XO

  4. Wow..looks so fantastic and so tiny.

  5. I also have a hard time throwing away those little triangles! I have boxes full of them, this is a great idea to use some of them up!

  6. Wow! What precise, tiny blocks! I love Ocean Waves, too. I made a whole quilt of it once. But of course, my blocks were a lot bigger.

  7. I save the little hst also. One of these days, I will make a mini quilt too.

  8. Cheers on using those 'bonus' HSTs. I do too. I also have a quilt in my future that uses some Ocean Waves blocks---the rest hasn't been designed yet. i'm hunting and gathering blues and tans while I think on the design. I like your planned colors.

  9. Many times I've tossed small pieces in the trash only to go back and dig them out.

    Oh yes, me too :-D

  10. these must have been so fiddly to do and you have got them so accurate, great piecing

  11. It's so fun when you can make a quilt from the bits and pieces of another quilt. Ocean waves is one of my favorite patterns... and I have yet to make one! One day soon. Love both of your quilts. Nicely done!

  12. You are a patient lady! That block is wonderful.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne