
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Covering my world with fabric

Yes I could cover almost everything with pretty fabric.  Remember the song by COKE back in the 70's?  "I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony, I'd like to buy the world coke...."   Okay...I've change the words and have been singing "I'd like to teach the world quilt in perfect harmony, I'd to sew the world quilt....."  You get the idea...yep teetering on the edge of lunacy.
Anyway...yesterday I spent most of the day doing the quilt stare, drawing and spritzing away the drawings.  This quilt hung on the quilt rack for months not quilted.  It was there so I could see it daily for when inspiration hit.  Well it never hit.  Its such a happy quilt that just screams SPRING, it must be finished.   I wanted to keep the quilting simple on the borders because they are so colorful, so that part has been easy.  
 After consulting all my quilting design books I came up with a few ideas.  You can see by the ghost markings that none of them were pleasing.  
I feel a quilting aneurysm coming after 6 hours of trial and error.  Step away from the quilt, you can't burn this one!!  Grab the first non quilted item you see and cover it with fabric.  Remember this?  That black stool needs a makeover.
The black legs will need to go as soon as it's warm enough outside to use spray paint.  Can't cover them with fabric!   Well I could but it wouldn't last long, I use this stool a lot.
 Oh yes, quilty satisfaction.  

~Lea Anne~

My inspiration picture for the day, I didn't make it, you can find it over at A Quilting Sheep.  I love Amy's quilts!   I see one of these quilts in my future, thanks for the inspiration Amy!


  1. Hope inspiration strikes soon. It is a gorgeous spring quilt.

  2. Such Quilty Cuteness! The edge of lunacy is a fun place to be...glad to see you here!

  3. I love, love, love your Spring quilt! I know that whatever you do will be awesome! Love the stool too! XO

  4. The tulips looks great. Ah spring....

  5. your spring quilt looks so springlike do hope you decided on the quilting soon, a pretty cover for your stool

  6. It is a beautiful spring quilt. I know you will come up with the perfect quilting for it. I do feel your pain though. I have a couple of quilt tops sitting and waiting, too.

    Thanks for the link to my blog. You are SO sweet!!!

  7. Your spring quilt is like a burst of sun shine I would be eager to finish it too. Just a thought for quilting... If it were mine I might quilt in the flowers to accentuate the flowers where the petals curve and veins in the leaf and do a grid in the background so it compliments the flowers, feathers might over power the tulips. or flash of inspiration just hit quilt more tulips in the background. Love your stool. good luck can't wait to see what you do.

  8. Oh my goodness, LOVE your stool makeover. Super sweet!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne