
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Finally done!

At last, 182 blocks done.  Saying that they were fun to make would be an outright lie.  The first few were fun and then sewing the same block over and over and over became so BORING.    Oh they were simple to make and go together pretty quick, that is if you can stick with it.  But you know me, I'm like Kermit the frog jumping from one project to another.
The closer I came to getting them done it once again became fun.  Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was encouraging, causing me to sprint to the finish line.  And the fact that I cheated and made the finish line closer by altering the plan from 198 to 182 blocks.  And since I used paperless paper piecing that means there's no paper to rip away.  You can see this handy method of paper piecing here.  It really is a time saver method.  And frugal.  Instead of printing out 182 blocks I only had to print out 12.  Using the same 12 patterns for all the blocks!  You can find the free block pattern here.  
One of the reason quilters like paper piecing is the perfect points.  Just stitch on the lines and you pretty much can't go wrong.  Since this method is paperless I'll use one of the templates as a guide for setting up my seam allowance.  
 I forgot to mention the name of the block...silly me.  It's an old pattern, some call it the Hummingbird block and others call it Periwinkle.  I'm sure if we dig around we could find a couple more names, but these are the most popular.
And of course...
 You knew I couldn't make a quilt without a cherry in it, didn't you?
I'm linking up today with Sew Fresh Quilts for Let's be Social.  It's a great way to meet new bloggers and find inspiration.  

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. my goodness that is A LOT of blocks .. well done for keeping going x I just finished making 18 swoon blocks .. and that was ENOUGH!!!!

  2. I love your blocks. I hate paper piecing. I will have to try the paperless-paper-piecing method sometime. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your blocks are great! I'm not a fan of paper piecing, either, but will have to try the paperless method. Darn it... another "want to make quilt" added to my list! :) Can't wait to see the completed top.

  4. Beautiful blocks! Congrats on getting all of them sewn together.

  5. Thanks for the link to the paperless paper piecing. I definitely need to try that. Your blocks are very pretty.

  6. The Kermit syndrome...that's me. It's why I have so many unfinished projects. I get bored and it's over. I just had to make some Periwinkle blocks for Gossip in the Garden. I have to make 4 more. I wish I had known there was a paper pattern! Mine are not all pretty and perfect like yours! I'll bet your finished quilt is going to be amazing! XO

  7. I don't mind assembling the same blocks over and over, as long as they are different colors and prints, less boring...:) I like the block, this might be something to add to my to do list. I can't wait to see it complete and will keep an eye on it. Nice work!! :-)

  8. Thanks for the laughs... I love your sense of humor! Your periwinkle blocks look great Lea Anne! Very impressive when you see them all lined up like that. Can't wait to see how it all looks in your quilt! I too have been known to change the dimensions of a quilt just so I wouldn't have to sew quite so many of the same block over and over.

  9. I love this block! I made a couple pillows, not as many! They are gorgeous and cannot wait to see it finished!

  10. I am like you in that I don't think that I could stick with the same block over and over so congratulations on your's a sweet quilt !!

  11. That is a lot of blocks! I changed the number of my blocks to do for my king size quilt, I figured if it was not big enough then I would add a border! LOL Your blocks look great!

  12. These are lovely. Can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  13. the one advantage of making all the blocks the same is they seem to happen so much quicker, lovely selection of fabrics you have used, can`t wait to see all these blocks sewn together

  14. It may have been boring, but it is going to be so beautiful when it's put together!

  15. Congrats on finishing all your blocks! Love the bright, happy colors you choose. They always make me smile. :o)


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne