
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Insanity scraps

Inch by inch I'm working my way through the insanely small 1 inch scrap pieces.  The surprising thing is that they go together really quick because of the size.  Matching up those seams when piecing the rows may be a tad bit more difficult.  Since the pieces are so tiny I've set my seam allowance at a super scant 1/4 inch.  That just means instead of one click to the right of 1/4 inch I've gone 2 clicks right.  That's the most my quarter inch foot will allow without crashing the needle into the presser foot. 
When I pulled these out from behind the sewing machine I couldn't help but want to drape them around the studio.   Tiny little bunting!
The Scrap Baskets are coming along slowly.  That seam ripper isn't there for looks.  Sadly I've had a couple of OH NO's!  It was more like $#!*.  Oh well... a few Hail Mary's, throw a quarter in the swear jar and we're good to go.  

~ Lea Anne ~

Today's freebie from Mary Mcguire Designs


  1. Amazing, as usual! I just love the quilting on those baskets! I have a bunch of 1" scraps too. I need to just sit down and start sewing. I just don't have anything finished in mind. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm not going to do that. Well, good job anyway! I love all the things you do! XO

  2. Lea Anne - your Scrap Basket quilt looks incredible! Your quilting is to just so gorgeous! If I attempted something like that , we would be able to go on a vacation with the swear jar proceeds.

  3. I cannot imagine how you sew such tiny scraps together, small enough before you start but mimiscule when joined up

  4. Beautiful quilting, and I totally understand the Oh No and the seam ripper. I look forward to seeing this one finished, it is stunning so far. I so want to do something with my scraps, but indecision is stopping me. Maybe the little one inch squares is what I should go for, totally random and scrappy. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. so pretty!! and a swear jar! I need that; mine will be full in no time. lol


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