
Friday, July 11, 2014

Finding time

Not much progress on my quilting.  I've been averaging about an hour or less in the studio each day.  Bummer.  So this morning I was up by 4:30 am and already have an hours worth of quilting done and watered the garden.  Now there's weeds to tackle in the flower beds.  Hopefully I can get in another hour later this evening.
It's that time of year when there's too many other things that can't wait.  Yesterday I harvested my first bunch of garlic.  It's not pretty but I did manage to teach myself how to braid it for drying and storing.  Not bad for the first try.  
I've also been trying to get out and enjoy the scenery by taking walks.  It's amazing the beauty that missed while driving.  The picture below isn't altered in any way.  The sky is really that blue.  The humidity has been really low so there's no hazing the glorious color.  At this point in my walk I'm about 1/2 a mile from the house.
 At about the 1 mile mark from the house.... this little guy was super friendly and very eager to pose for a picture.  
And at 2 miles from the house ...judging by what I can see in the distance, I can see for about 3 miles.  The picture really doesn't do this view justice.  And this is where I turn around and head back home because I did 5 miles yesterday and that convinced me that 4 miles a day is plenty.
 As I stand there waiting for my second wind to kick in for the walk back I spot a Hawk flying overhead.  Such a beautiful bird, even more beautiful when my legs are tired!
 The best way to fight fatigue is not to acknowledge it.  So I keep my mind on the beautiful countryside.  
 At about 3/4 of a mile from the house I met Jane.  She let me photograph her garden but not her.  Such a sweet older lady that would have made this picture even more special in her sun hat.   I can't blame her for not wanting her picture taken after working so hard.  Her garden always looks tidy.  We talked long enough for me to get the strength for the hike home.   

~ Lea Anne ~

Today's freebie from designed by Barbara E. Lies


  1. It looks like it was a nice walk. Four miles is quite a hike.

  2. Love your photos of your walk. Once I heal from my procedure (Just some mouth surgery), I need to get out and enjoy the beauty of nature, too!

  3. I'm so impressed! I almost had to go to the hospital yesterday because I walked around Walmart.....You Go Girl! XO

  4. Beautiful views! Thanks for sharing your walk.

  5. that is some walk especially if it is very warm. Such glorious countryside you have on your doorstep. Good to read you got some quilting done.

  6. Your quilt is beautiful! I love to walk also.

  7. That's quite a walk, but oh so pretty!


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