
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pretty Messy and Give Away Reminder

While standing at my cutting table squaring up the backing fabric for the next quilt, I took a moment to enjoy the view.  Don't you just love pretty messes?  
I also wanted to remind you there's still time to enter my giveaway for the Fall Festival Giveaway hosted by Vicki Welsh over at Field Trips in Fiber.  Don't forget to hop over to Vicki's and enter her giveaways.  She's also hosting a linky for other bloggers to share their giveaways.  Several chances to win some lovely prizes!
I'll be announcing the winner from my giveaway first thing tomorrow morning.  So you have until then to enter!

~Lea Anne ~

Freebie Click here


  1. Now that is a beautiful picture with some beautiful quilts in it. I wish they were all mine. I can't even pick a favorite.

  2. Hi Lea Anne! I love pretty mess! It's inspiring. If everything is too much in order it's more difficult to start to work. Your mess looks beautiful and I love your colours! x Teje

  3. Everything you make, I sit here and say, "I want that quilt!" Every. Single. Time.

  4. That's hardly messy. Love the colors.

  5. It's a lovely mess indeed! It would be hard not to smile at all those bright colors.


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