
Monday, January 5, 2015

It can only get better

Good Monday Morning sweet friends!  There's been a lot going on in Podunk but none of it quilty related.  I've barely stepped foot in the Studio over the last two weeks.  But all that is about to change.  I'm ready to get stitchy!  A couple more rounds on the log cabin style blocks below is needed.  
My design wall hasn't changed much.  I had hoped to get the Posy quilt finished by the time we had our Christmas dinner however the flu bug had planned festivities of its own.  My plan was a better but you can't argue with the flu bug he wins everytime.  So I figure whats the rush now that Christmas has passed.  You know me I'm always looking for any excuse to move onto the next project(wink wink).  I'm looking forward to the new year now that the flu has come and gone. The year can only get better when you start out on such a low point.

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. LOVE your sashing on the red quilt. I like the polka dot border fabric too!

  2. I sure hope you are on the mend and will have a healthy year! I'm looking forward to seeing what quilty creations come out of your corner of the world. :)

  3. Great quilts on your wall. I hope you are able to get stitchy :)

  4. I love everything you do! I've been going through it too! I spent Saturday with Charlie at the Vet intensive care unit. The vet told me he doesn't have long. I did bring him home because I have no money but he's not himself. I don't want him to have a bad quality of life. He goes back to the vet tomorrow. I've been watching him like a hawk. I'm so stressed. And losing my job hasn't helped. Needless to say, I'm just a basket case. Hope your issues are resolved! Your work is so gorgeous! XO

  5. I had the flu right before Christmas also. I'm hoping none of the kids bring it back to school again.

  6. love the fabric you are using on the first quilt and your design boards are very inspiring. Good to read you are over the flu, fortunately it is something I have never had, touch wood it stays away from me

  7. I'm so glad you are feeling better and love seeing your design wall and a peek into your studio! That is really going to be a cute log cabin style quilt!

  8. LeeAnn, I am DROOLING over those beautiful blocks at the top. The fabrics are wonderful, so, so sweet and pretty and springlike and girly....I want, I want, I want. Cannot WAIT to see this one finished! Thanks for sharing, you made my day!

  9. Glad you're feeling better! Being sick over the holidays isn't fun at all!!! LOVE the fabrics in your first quilt!!! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    ~ Jess ~
    Everything Is Coming Up Rosie

  10. I love checking in to see what's on your design wall. Your color choices make me happy inside - always! I can always expect great eye candy projects as well.

  11. Sorry you were sick and have not had much time to sew. Glad you are feeling better! Love all the cherry things in your sewing room! LOVE that aqua polka dot for the border.

  12. Your scrappy log cabin will be very nice.

  13. Glad to hear that you and the family are doing better. I'm sure you'll make plenty of progress with that out of the way. You have so many lovely projects on your design wall, I wouldn't know where to start.

  14. The flu is bad this year!! Glad you are feeling better and getting back to stitching again!!

  15. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Love those log cabin blocks. What pretty fabrics! Have fun sewing!

  16. Fun peeking into your sewing room with all your lovely wall hangings! Love the bicycle blocks!


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