
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sharing the love Cherries

 It always tickles me pink to get picture from quilters using one of my quilt patterns.  Earlier this week I received this email from Debbie Bunch...

  Isn't it just gorgeous?!  The Green border fabric was the perfect compliment to the cherry blocks. 

I love those fussy cut chain blocks!   Then she finished off the quilt with a super sweet edge to edge cherry quilting design.  Thanks Debbie for making my day!

The tutorials for this pattern can be found in the tutorials tab at the top of this blog or you can just click here , here and here.  Of course if you make this pattern or any quilt from one of my tutorials I would love to see them!

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. LOVE this quilt!!! The colors are so fabuous in it.

  2. Wow, gorgeous quilt! The green is a very nice complement.

  3. Love it. I love Bing Cherries, so mine would have to be a darker red.

  4. So pretty! I love the fabric choices for this sweet pattern!

  5. I love every quilt you post about,! And the things you sent are a lot of help. I have been cutting up scraps again and putting them to good use. Not as much slipping

  6. I love the cherries in the quilting too!!!!

  7. Debbie did a fabulous job with your cherries quilt, Lea Anne. The green fabric gives a subtle difference to the design that is wonderful. A great pattern and a great interpretation of it.

  8. This is so pretty, Lea Anne! How sweet to see this beautiful quilt made from your tutorial ... :) Pat

  9. I'll never get tired of seeing these quilts!!

  10. What a great quilting idea! I have a whole pinterest board dedicated to cherry quilts!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne