Recently I've had a few comments on how quickly my quilts come together. With statements such as "How do you do get so much done in a day?" Well I can't make them fast enough is my response to that! It's all I think about and all I want to do. However when you live in the middle of nowhere there's plenty to be done.
So I thought I'd share how I manage my time. At least for now, I'm always looking for new ways to fit more into my day.
This is the computer in my studio. NO INTERNET ON THIS ONE. It's basically for designing quilts and storing my pictures and music. I had internet in here a few years ago and it was a real time waster. Don't get me wrong, I love social media but I can kill hours just browsing nothing, Notice the dust on it?
TV? Nope not in my studio. We have 2 TV's one in the living room and one in the garage. If I'm in the studio and feel the need for noise, which isn't often, I listen to things that don't require me to stop quilting. Political talk radio is a one of my favorites, music, and those silly shows on ID also rank pretty high on my TV Faves. Shows like Wives with knives or 20/20 don't require me to sit and watch, but can satisfy that need for drama. Most of the time there's nothing, no radio and no TV, just me, myself and I and my thoughts.
I take breaks from quilting about every hour. Standing or sitting in one spot for long periods of time is hard on the body, so I try to keep moving as much as possible. I quilt for an hour, start some laundry, do some cleaning, and then quilt for an hour. Usually by 10 a.m. or so I'm ready to eat so that means I get to catch up on Social Media. That's what I'm doing as I write this post, eating my brunch. Then it's back to quilting until noon. There's usually a list of things that need to be done. In the winter it's around the house stuff, in the warmer months it the gardens. I'll stay out here until all of the days outside chores are complete.
By putting mulch around my garden plants I have more time for quilting and less weeding!
But you can always find a few weeds, I'm not as obsessive about gardening as quilting.
A quick shower and I start the quilting/house cleaning rotation again.
Letting myself be messy in the Studio is also necessary. I straighten up in here once a week and in between projects. No reason to keep it super clean that's time wasted.
And one of the most important things for me to stay productive is recharging and relaxing. There's days when it's busy work all day long, jumping from one project to another. The mind gets all cluttered with whats next on the list. STOP, breathe, don't think. A few minutes on the swing, watching the chickens, or watching the sunset is usually just what a I need to let it all go.
So really I just stay away from technology as much as possible. My phone is often in the other room on vibrate. And the reason is... I work in total silence most of the time. Sudden noises startle me, that's not a good idea when you work with so many sharp objects. I've burned and cut myself many times due to that silly phone. And it can totally mess up free motion work. I do take it outside with me just encase I need to call 911, but it's usually on silent.
Well that's it, my uncomplicated day of busy work. Brunch is over and I need to get back to work!
Lea Anne