
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Throwback Thursday "In the Pink" Series Quilt #2

Every Thursday Krista@KristaQuilts hosts the Linky party Throwback Thursdays.  It's a fun to link up old post or write a new post about a quilt from our past.  Last week I started a my throwback series of all the cancer awareness quilts I've made over the years.  If  I had to pick one that was the most memorable it would be my "Soaring into the Pink" quilt.

The pattern is one that I had seen online line, I'm unsure of the name.  All I remember is that the original quilt was made in black, white and red.  With the help of EQ I drafted a pattern of my own.  This quilt is so memorable because of its recipient.  While making the quilt there was no real plan on what to do with it.  I don't have a pink room in my house.  Anyway....once the quilt top was together I was anxious to show it off.  So I stopped my moms work(beauty shop) to show off my new creation.  Mom was busy so I had to hang around awhile.  Well in walks a client named Cheryl.  I've know her since I was a little girl.  She's a cancer survivor, not once but three times she has battle this horrible disease.

During Cheryl's first battle with cancer and chemo treatments she had asked my mom to shave her head.  Mom didn't own a set of clippers.  So mom called me because she knew I used clippers to cut my sons hair.  Nervously I agreed to shave Cheryl's hair.  My nerves were soon calmed by Cheryl.  She was so happy go lucky.  At a time when I wanted to cry and thought that she should be crying this lady was cracking jokes.  You would have never known she had cancer.     I hadn't seen Cheryl in about 4 yrs when she walked into the beauty shop the day I was showing off this quilt. She was very interested in what my plans were for the quilt.  She offered up advice about donating it to a raffle or cancer patient.  I took this as a sign.  It had been 4 yrs since I last saw her, and the day I show up with this pink quilt there she is!
While driving home the decision was made to give the quilt to Cheryl. 

 I quilted it up as quickly as I could and presented it to her.  We both fought back the tears.   I told her how she deserved this quilt more than anyone.  And how she inspired me the day I shaved her head.   She wasn't just an inspiration to me but I know she had to touch the lives of other cancer patients.  I learned from Cheryl that attitude can get you through even the toughest battles.  The quilt was hers to do as she pleased.  She could donate it or keep the choice was hers.  She still has the quilt.  We'll always have a special unspoken connection.  Love you Cheryl!

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. What a wonderful story. And such a beautiful quilt. Cheryl sounds like quite a person... and fighter.

  2. Gorgeous quilt, and lucky recipient!

  3. A beautiful story and encouragement for quilters and cancer patients and survivors.Thank you for sharing.

  4. a wonderful story and so good that Cheryl is a survivor not once but 3 times. When my quilting skills improve on my flimsies I hope to donate some quilts to the hospice where Helen my daughter is a nurse

  5. There's so much to be said for a positive outlook when you're fighting that fight. Kudos to Cheryl, and to you for making such a heartfelt gift.

  6. What a great story to go with such a lovely quilt.


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