
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Podunk Pickin's # 19 ~Sew DOG-gone cute~

Did ya'll know I'm a dog lover?  Yes ma'am! And these blocks make me sit pretty and beg for more.    I'm that crazy lady you bump into at the pet shop that asks if she can pet your dog, then 20 minutes later your wishing you had said "NO"  Why?  Because I must pet every dog, love on it, and ask a slew of question about your little fur baby.  I've never met a pooch that didn't make me baby talk until it's owner is totally annoyed.   

Normally a quilt in these dark colors would turn me off,  and quickly become a UFO.  Not this one.  It's so doggone cute!   You can find the template for the FREE dog applique here.    Two free templates are provided.  One large dog and one small.  I'm using the large one for my blocks.   Of course if you need a larger size I'm sure you gals are tech savvy and can figure out to enlarge them.  The bows are my creation and not part of the freebie.  The addition of the little bows took this block over the top.  They  are made with a little stitching and some applique glue, then glued to the 9.5" block and stitched in place.

It's hard to believe that each block is 100% shirt fabrics, even the background.

Here's the quilt layout plan below.  I know it's off balance but it's crunch time.  I'm working with what she gave me ...and at a very fast pace.  It's about memories not perfection.  

Okay that's my Podunk freebie Pick of the week.  You'll want to make sure you come back next Sunday for a new free quilt block design, designed by little ole me.  Here's a hint...You're going to "LOVE" it.


  1. This is just adorable!! Thank you for the link to the template - have to show this to my SIL who grew up with Westies all her life. We'll hit the thrift shop for shirts!

  2. I need that Corgi template! My daughters Corgi went o heaven last summer, but I think she would love a litt,e remembrance of him.

  3. You are doing a fabulous job on these shirt quilts! This one is splendid!

  4. what a great block for dog lovers

  5. I am not a dog all...but these blocks are adorable! What a quilt this is going to be!

  6. Straight away I thought I must make the westie quilt for Louies mum. I added a link so you can see how cute he is (and how I made a tote bag out of old jeans). Thankyou for the template Lea Anne!

  7. So darn cute! Can't believe you even using shirtings for the backgrounds. And those bow! Definitely over the top adorable.

  8. Your dogs are adorable - and made out of shirt fabrics, too! What a great idea!

  9. What a great idea for plaid fabrics. Love the bow ties! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  10. The bow ties really make those blocks sit up and be noticed! Beautifully done!

  11. Oh I love this adorable quilt and scottie dog applique!! I'd love to invite you to my blog where you can submit your tutorials for a dedicated post! I pin to many pinterest boards and share on social media!

  12. It looks brilliant - the bow ties are a great addition.


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