
Monday, June 12, 2017

The Race is On

With so many things to do in Podunk it feels like I'm racing around trying to get it all done.  Sadly quilting takes a back seat to my other chores.  But yesterday I took the day off from chores so I could do a little sewing.

I'm pushing for a 4th of July finish.  It's almost a completed top.  Just need to put the finishing touch of invisible machine applique.  Can you see my stitches on the blue?  It's invisible!  MonoPoly Thread by Superior Threads is some amazing stuff. I can't boast about it enough.

Maybe in a couple more days I'll have a quilt top to share.  For now there's things to be done.  Next chore is to can 50 pounds of peaches!  We picked up these sweeties from The Peach Truck.  If you would like some fresh from the farm peaches you can look at their website to see if they will be visiting your area. Unfortunately they only visit a handful of states. 

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. Oh how I love peaches!!! Fresh peach pie is the best! Strawberry season is beginning and will satisfy for now. Luv the quilt!!

  2. I love patriotic quilts, and you will make your July 4th deadline - you are well on your way. I am going to research the peaches source, as canned peaches sound great to me.

  3. Do it Do it!! Get it finished by the 4th.... ha ha - It will be gorgeous. And the peaches - yum!! Ours don't really ripen to August so now you have me craving them!

  4. Hi Lea Anne,
    Oh yum - Georgia peaches. I am SO jealous. I love your quilt and the fabrics. Makes me want to stand up and salute and enjoy fireworks and all that. ~smile~

  5. Love red, white and blue - bring on the finish! And lucky you - fresh peaches. They look delicious!

  6. I love peaches. Wish I lived close enough. Looks like a fabulous top!

  7. Ah we have the same boxes of peaches in Kokomo - look forward to another great quilt

  8. I need to put a patriotic quilt on my to-do list. And I need to try out that mono poly thread!
    I am getting peaches from this truck on Saturday-hoping they are free stone, but may be a bit early? Are they as yummy as they look? Enjoy!

  9. Live in the peach state, lots of them

  10. Wow! Your peaches are ripe already?! The peaches around here won't be ripe till August. No wonder the South is praised for it's peaches. I love the looks of your red, white, and blue quilt top. Can't wait to see the rest.

  11. Can't wait to see your RW&B quilt. It looks amazing so far. We have a peach truck in Green Bay, too, but a different company. They reported that bad weather has really devastated their crop this year, so not many peaches available. Enjoy!

  12. Your red, white and blue top looks so crisp and clean! I would love to try invisible thread. Do you have to adjust the tension? What do you use in the bobbin? Thanks.

  13. Wow you are a hard worker...50 pounds of peaches?!?! That's lot of time in the kitchen!

  14. Glad you explained Monkey butter-never heard of it before!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne