
Thursday, September 14, 2017

~ New ideas, projects, fabric and designers ~

Hi-diddly-O!  Happy quilters!  Just thought I'd take a few minutes to pop in and share with you what I've been up to lately.  The studio is a buzz with a few different projects... well lets be real it's a mess, but I'm only going to show you pretty pictures.  Below is the starts of a project that popped in my head one afternoon and I just HAD to make it right at that moment.
 And here I'm putting in the last few stitches.  It's OH SEW CUTE and I can't wait to share it with you in the next couple of weeks.
I've also been cutting up my own jelly roll strips for Moda's national jelly roll day this coming Saturday.  I've only purchased one jelly roll in my entire quilting life.  They're cute but I always think...I want more of that fabric than just a 2.5" strip.(fabric hoarders excuse #1).  Moda has lots of stuff planned for the big day and you can read more about here at there website Project Jelly Roll.  It sounds like there going to be some freebies!
Well I couldn't wait for this weekend to start sewing up my strips. This is going to be a cutie of a quilt!
While digging through the stash looking for just the right fabrics for the homemade jelly roll I noticed I was lacking in a few colors(fabric hoarders excuse #2).  A quick search on the ever famous Google and I was headed in the right direction.   It must have been my lucky day because found this discontinued Lakehouse print at an amazing price at Gray Hen Studio. Since it was a good deal I bought it all.(fabric hoarders excuse #3)  This was my first time buying from Cindy's Etsy shop but I'll definitely be shopping there again.  The shipping was fast and the packaging...CUTE!
 Over the last couple of years I've been trying to work from the stash as much as possible.  I've done fairly well staying within my budget but all that is going to come to an end next month.  The new Moda designer from the Pretty by Hand blog will have her first line of fabric called First Romance.  I've followed Kristyne Czepuryk blog for many years and when I saw she was coming out with her own line of fabric I knew it was going to be a must have, and I will have it! (fabric hoarders excuse #4) I'm saving my pennies, literally.  The picture below is just a tease you really need to see more of these on her blog.  You can find the pinks here, aqua here, yellows here, red and white here, and the green here.
The design ideas for First Romance are overwhelming.  Everyday my quilty brain comes up with a new quilt idea.  Some I draw in EQ and others I just jot down.   It's bordering on obsession.  Checking everyday to see if by some big miracle they've shipped early.  Dreaming that Kristyne would just send me a bundle...dream on sweetie!

So do you have a must have line of fabric?  Have you been saving your pennies for that special little bundle?  Do you share my love for this new line of fabric!?

Thanks for stopping by my little spot in Podunk!
~ Lea Anne ~


  1. have fun with the jelly roll challenge I have mine ready to do too. The new fabric range looks very tempting but have just bought s new machine so have no pennies left!

  2. Wow! Your jelly roll challenge fabrics are GORGEOUS!! I can't wait to see what you are making with them. Thanks for the link to Kristyne's blog. I had not read hers before and love her ideas. Those fabrics are so, so pretty. The temptations are many on the blog world! :)

  3. Omgosh I have so many of those same fabrics....I found a great price on Lakehouse at a warehouse fabric store in Reno, Nevada where my older girls live. I can't wait to see what you make!

  4. Oh my goodness! I had to read this post twice just to absorb all that wonderful color! Thank you for introducing me to Krystyne. I love her style and got a big kick out of your hoarder excuses. :)

  5. Beautiful fabric! If you purchase online, be sure to check out They show that line is shipping in October and you can pre-order for a discount.

  6. It's gorgeous fabric for sure. But you are such a tease with your project, LOL

  7. Oh so many pretties. It's hard not to want them all. Looking forward to seeing what you've been playing around with.

  8. First off...I think you should come out with your own fabric collection featuring the colors of your newest's a beauty! Plus, I love your fabric (hoarder) excuses...I've used them all myself! I do love Pretty By Hand's new collection and think I'll have to spoil myself a bit with having some in my stash. Is spoiling oneself another excuse? :)

  9. fun to read your post, and thanks to you I was lead down the rabbit hole of Pretty By Hand!! We just enable each other, don't we?!!! :-) Can't wait to see what you came up with with your handmade jelly roll. Hugs, H

  10. Just saw Green Fairy Quilts posted info about a discount code on their Facebook page. "Fall is quilting season, and we're giving you the code FALL to use at checkout for anything on our site-" This applies to pre-orders too! (Code expires Sept 25).

  11. PS: I have no connection to Green Fairy Quilts, just a very happy customer. Great prices, fast shipping, etc.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne