
Friday, July 27, 2018

~ Bee Skep Pin Cushion ~

Happy Friday Quilting Friends!  Its a Friday finish and a FREE-BEE for you!  

EDITED ON 1 22 2022

The Bee Skep Pin Cushion tutorial can now be found on my YouTube Channel.  Click the image below to go to the video tutorial.

Mr. Podunk has been a bee keeper for a few years.  I've been wanting to make a bee quilt but something always keeps me from designing one.  So when Jacquelynne Steves asked if I would like to be a featured blogger for her new Save the Bee's Block of the Month I was elated!   If you would like more information about the Save the Bee's Block of the Month CLICK HERE.

While waiting for the Blog Hop to start I stitched up this super cute and easy Bee Skep pin cushion.  

The little queen bee was a last minute idea that turned out adorable.  I will not be giving instructions for the bee but I will tell you a funny little fact about it.  This sweet little queen bee body is made from a cinnamon capsule.  It's a pill filled with cinnamon!  Cinnamon is good for regulating low and high blood sugars.  I usually run on the low side.  Anyway....with a black sharpie marker I drew some lines on a piece of scrap yellow fabric.  Then glued it to the capsule.  A black button with yellow head pins made the head.  The only thing holding the button is the pins stuck into the capsule.  The wings are 2 layers of fabric fused with Heat N Bond Lite in between them.

 Now what does every Queen Bee need? ..... Worker bees!

After about an hour of searching for Bee pins I found Jacquelynnes shop!  Geesh....I should have looked there first.  NOW OUT OF STOCK Click here if you like cute pins...she has several different style of pins with different heads.

Awe.....that's better.  

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. Cute pincushion! I love your queen bee, funny way to use a pill ;)) I guess it smell good with the pin hole inside! Beautiful bees too. Thanks for sharing the pattern.

  2. How adorable, Lea Anne! I love your Queen Bee. Such a creative way to make her. Thanks for the tutorial!

  3. This is adorable, Lea Anne - I esecially love your Queen Bee!! Those cinnamon caps are good for a lot more than blood sugar! Great idea!

  4. How lovely! It looks like a nice fast project, and scrap friendly, too! The bee pins are an adorable addition. Thank you for linking up with TGIFF.

  5. Thanks! It’s so cute and certainly usable for putting different sized pins in each layer!!!

  6. So cute! I like the idea of using the different layers for different needles, to keep them sorted.

  7. So easy and a fast project, this is so cute! What is a Skep? thank you

  8. That is adorable! So awesome that you have a beekeeper in the family! I hope you'll tell us more about that during the Save the Bees BOM!!
    Sooooo looking forward to the BOM!

  9. Delightful! Is love to hear more about your family beekeeping too! Thanks so much for the project 😃

  10. A-dor-able! Thank you for the pattern and your inspiration. I bought a little extra of the kit fabrics and now I know why!

  11. Thanks for sharing your pattern for this cute pincushion. I downloaded it and will make it. Now to go get the cute bee pins.

  12. This is so adorable. I can't wait to make it. It doesn't look too complicated either. Thank you for sharing!!!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne