
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

~ Flower Sugar Rose Kiss ...Drool ~

Hello sweet quilting friends!  I received some happy mail recently and had to share it with you.  This is the new line of fabric from Lecien called Flower Sugar Rose Kiss.  The bundle was curated by Pat  
at Cottage Couture Fabrics .  Pat has a eye for pretty fabrics.  There's always a must have bundle in her shop.

I'm totally smitten with the pretty roses and scallops.  The line has a vintage vibe, especially the gingham decorated with scallops.  Imagine these made into pillows or a cute little apron!  Just darling!

The entire bundle is absolutely gorgeous but I'm crushing on the blues.  

 I can't wait to start cutting into these later this month.  Now to design the perfect pattern for these lovelies girls.  Something cute to show off the delicate roses.  It just screams girly girl.

For some reason the red in my photos is much to red.  My photo editing skills are weak, so I couldn't get them to show that this fabric is more of a really dark pink/red.  It so close to red but I would put it in my dark pink stash.

I lost myself while taking these photos, 2 hours of petting, admiring and rearranging.  Rumor has it that fabric manufacturers put pheromones in fabric so we fall in love with them.  I'm beginning to believe the rumor!  These little girls need a bath to rid them of the pheromones so I can get back to my other WIP. 

One more photo before giving them a bath and a good dose of starch. pretty.

#flowersugarrosekiss #flowersugarfabric #lecienfabric #fabriclove #pamkittyplayswell


  1. Gorgeous, Lea Anne! A bath and a dose of starch eh? I've not heard of anyone doing that. When you say bath, do you just soak the fabric? Or do you actually run it through the wash? And now much and what method do you use to starch your fabric? Very interested!

  2. they are so cute. I have windows, so I go to the "fix" button, and there is auto correct, which corrects for my camera lighting and makes the colors more true.

  3. I can just imagine those little roses in a pattypan pincushion! TOO sweet!


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