
Friday, January 3, 2020

~ Nifty Notions ~ Blade Saver Thread Cutter Review ~

Are you a gadget person?  Me, not really.  I'm more of a make do with what you have kinda gal, unless I feel like a gadget is really going to improve my efficiency.  That means reading lots of reviews before purchasing.  I've not always been this way.  Time and wasted money has taught me to wait and not react to the new bright shiny object.  Well, most of the time.  This little gadget caught my eye and I NEEDED IT NOW.  I've seen several different types of thread cutter stands over the years but this one is much different.  It looks sturdy and the best feature is it up-cycles old rotary cutting blades. 

Unlike many new products this one came in easy to open packaging.....

 .....with instructions that didn't require a magnifying glass to read. 👍👍

The magnets were a genius idea for holding the base together and made it super easy to assemble.

Removing the one screw was quick and easy.

Now to add an old blade.  I used to throw these in the trash, now I can get even more use out of them.
👍👍😃 This makes me very happy!

Fits perfectly!  All that's left to do is replace the screw.

 It only took about 5 minutes from start to finish to assemble.  You now have 5 areas on this flower for cutting.  When one dulls just rotate the flower to the next gap.  And the sturdy base is not at all tippy like other stand thread cutters.

Another  great features about this is it can quickly and easily be broken down and stored for quilting retreats.  No screws or clips to fiddle with, just pull the base apart, slip your cute little flower inside and it's ready to travel.  The Purple Hobby company really put a lot of thought into the design.

I think it's a must have for every quilter.  Wouldn't this be a great gift for your quilting buddies?  You could use your old blades and have it ready to go when you give them.  
The only downside I can find about this gadget is the price.  Retail price is $18.  Yikes!  That seems a little high.  But think of the money your saving.  The cutter on my machine wears out with in about 3 months.  Sure it still sorta cuts but I would say it really just tears the thread.  Having the thread cutters replaced on my machine once a year cost about $20 extra when I take it in for general cleaning and serving. 

Just a little reminder that you can still get 20% off you entire purchase at The Purple Hobbies website using the code PodunkPretties
This code is good for the entire year of 2021.   Make sure when adding the code to your shopping cart that you click APPLY.  You can see my review of the BladeSaver Thread cutter here.  And the Third hand Binding Folder Clip here.



  1. I *like* this cutter! I have one of the plastic triangle shaped ones, but the blade is so far down, that it's difficult to get the chain pieced bits cut without yanking the blocks out of shape unless about 1/2 inch is left between pieces. And this one uses old rotary blades - bonus!! Easy to pack up and take along - double bonus. Thanks for posting about this one. Now where's the magic card....

  2. I'm not a gadget person either....but, this cutter looks handy and practical! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Now that is a gadget I would like!! I agree it is pricey, though. Thanks for sharing!

  4. So I went to their site and can't seem to find it: do you think they are out of it? I searched with your link, and then hand typed in Purple Hobbies, and then blade saver thread cutter, both with no luck. It does look like a VERY handy gadget!! :-)

  5. I do love gadgets that help make things easier, but often times I rig up something myself. I have those necklace pendants that are made by Clover that has a tiny round blade in them that work like that thread cutter, but where on earth I would find a replacement blade is beyond me. I rarely use them because I need to keep them around my neck, which is fine for knitting and hand sewing, but machine sewing the stand kind would work better. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. @Daryl - I think an 18mm rotary blade would fit the Clover cutters. But I wonder if they *can* be replaced? I'm going to make a stand by drilling a hole in a bit of wood. Not fancy, but it should be functional.

  7. Thanks for the review. It's nice to hear it from a person that actually uses it and isn't just trying to sell it. It looks like something that I would get a lot of use out of and I like that it looks sturdy and won't tip over if it is bumped. (sorry that you are getting comments from people that have nothing to do with sewing. that is sort of scary)


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne