
Monday, May 17, 2021

Design Wall and Design Boards

 Not much has change in the Studio. The design wall is collecting dust and looking pretty much the same.  After days of it looking the same I couldn't help but turn one of the blocks just so it would look different.  

My time has been split between catching up on spring yardwork and computer work.  Neither are as fun as quilting but both are necessary.  If I had to choose between them both, I'd choose yardwork.  There's so much color outside and it feeds my soul.

This morning I went out to check on the flower seeds I planted a week ago.  And we have little seedlings!

These were not here yesterday.  Amazing how they pop out overnight.  Nature is amazing.

I made the little seed pods from newspaper.  Not my idea, Google has the answer to everything.  You can see the tutorial I used here.

This weekend I also planted a bunch of Marigolds.  My hope is by planting a bunch they will choke out the weeds so I won't need to mulch or weed.  We'll see how it goes.  Nothing is going to grow if the crazy moles keep digging in my flower bed.  Can you see the mole run?  It rained last night so it might be hard to see inside the yellow oval.

His yummy little bug feast is about to become yukky.  Castor oil and dish soap will make his tasty treats a little less appetizing.  We've used this concoction in our veggie garden for years and it works pretty good if you apply it every two or three weeks.  It's also cheap and easy on the environment.  A little more work that chemicals but I feel better knowing I'm not killing the mole and the environment.  Should he find castor oil and soap pleasing to the pallet Mr. Podunk has a more aggressive approach that doesn't allow the mole to live.  Deadly traps seem mean but sometimes it's the only way when you live in Podunk.  Let's hope it doesn't come to that.  If it does.... all I ask is that I don't have to see or hear what happens.  Ignorance is bliss.

After sprinkling the moles dinner with yukky stuff it's time to get back to work.  Today I'll be trying once again to work pattern writing and find a little time to sew.  Hopefully my so called techy work on the computer makes this a more enjoyable process.  Yesterday it took 10 hours to edit an old Facebook video for YouTube.  Maybe 5 of those hours were actually editing.  The image below was the easiest part.  The photo editing program is working great.  It's that pesky video editor that wants to shut down right in the middle of editing.  If it would save before it shut down it wouldn't be so bad.  

I had not planned on putting this video on YouTube until Beverly asked how I made my design boards.   Some of you might remember her from the blog 44th Street Fabric.  She also had an Etsy shop for a few years.  These days she's abandoned her blog, closed her fabric shop and hanging out on Instagram.  The video was published on Facebook.  She doesn't do Facebook.  The video is too big to send via email.  So what the heck, YouTube it is.  A few quick edits to make look a little better...HAHA!  You got to laugh or techy stuff will drive you insane.  I'm a quilter not an I.T. Guru.  Oh well.  If your interested in design boards made with things you probably already have in your home and sewing room then here you go. 
 Quilt Block Boards on a Budget(click image below to watch here).  
Or you can click here to watch on YouTube, where you can like and comment to help me out a little.  Either way you choose to watch I want to thank you for coming by my little spot in Podunk and supporting my quilting journey.

Dog TV or Protecting me from Squirrel's?  Either way she is entertained and letting  me work.


  1. I love how seedlings just seem to 'appear' especially if I'm not looking. Have you ever tried planting castor bean plants? They get pretty big and are poisonous - check out that because of Kahlesi (sp?). I've heard that moles stay away because of the those bean plants.

  2. Love that Youtube video. I'm thinking those would make great gifts for quilting friends! Thank you!

  3. I love your quilt on the design wall - too funny to change just one block!! And your outside - oh ya!! Love all tose flowers coming up! Here's to an easy techhy day


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne