
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Mini Quilts Spa Day

Before washing the quilts on display in my home I always check them for issues such as rips or stains.  It's rare for one of them to have an issue.  But there was the one time I washed and dried a quilt that somehow had what looked to be blood.  Even with trying every blood stain trick on the internet the stain is still very visible after many washings.  So as this little cabinet of quilts was emptied I checked every quilt.

While checking each quilt I tried to remember the last time they were washed.  To be honest I can't remember.  What I found was the good, the bad and the ugly.  The good thing is there's no bugs of any kind.  I hate bugs and spiders.  I found plenty of dead ones under and behind the furniture as I moved them around in the last week.  Even when dead they give me the creeps and I don't want them on me.  The bad thing is I  found three mini quilts with the binding not completed.  Shame on me!

They look like they have been washed before.  What was I thinking?!  Silly woman.  I'm pretty sure the bindings were probably glued to the back of the quilts with the intentions of finishing at a later date.  That date is today....finally.  

Since I sewed the binding to the front I'm pretty sure my plan was to hand stitch the binding to the back.  But that's not happening.  Machine binding finish, I don't care how it looks I just want them finished.  I almost forgot to mention the ugly...THE DUST!  Sorry, no pictures of the dust. Just take my word for it, they were filthy.

My little quilts have had nice spa day and are looking pretty cute once again.

Now the question is....Do I put them back in the cabinet, hang them on the walls, or store them in totes?  Lazy Lea Anne says simplify life and store them in totes, no washing needed next spring.  Little girl Lea Anne say hang some of them on the wall because it would look so darn cute!  But then what do I put in the little green cabinet? 

There's plenty more yet to wash and fabric to sort while while I think about the options.

Until next time...

I hope you find time to stitch up something sweet!


  1. The minis are all cute, especially the checkerboard one with the blue borders. I suggest hanging them on the walls and putting pretty fabric in the green cupboard. Happy stitching!

  2. Lea Anne, Tyra mixture of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part blue Dawn liquid…works on almost every stain I have encountered, though if you’ve washed the quilt it may not come out, even with the solution. I have given up all sorts of chemical sprays in favour of this mixture, and hope it works for you in future. Jill in Phoenix/Calgary. Jill Mccaughey at Shaw dot ca

  3. Those minis are too cute to live in the cupboard! Maybe hang some and then rotate them out periodically? That would give you a chance to shake off the dust.

  4. I vote for hanging them on the walls. They're too darn cute to store in a bin.


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