
Saturday, August 5, 2023

Quilt Finish #2 This Week ~ Gingham Porch Quilt #5

 Hi Quilting Friends!  This is just a quick little post to share my second finished quilt for the week, the yellow gingham porch quilt. 

As with all the others made this year, I used the scraps from the front a little extra solid white to make the backing.

The solid white binding was attached by machine.  The plan was to make 12 of these gingham quilts this year.  As usual I can't stick to a plan.  This is quilt #5 and it means I'm behind schedule.  I should have 7 finished.  I could play catch up but I think the homeless quilts are more important than me decorating my front porch.  I also had planned to finish UFO's this year.  So the gingham quilts will take a back seat to the homeless quilts.  I think I'll just keep making the charity quilts until I run out of franken batting then work on my UFO's so I can produce more batting scraps for charity quilts.

Until next time...

I hope you find time to stitch up something sweet!


  1. I love the yellow gingham quilt, she's so bright and cheery! I would actually use her in the winter because she's so bright and cheery. I don't know about the south of Indy area but up here in northern Indiana it's overcast, gray and bloomy most of the winter. A bright yellow gingham quilt would certainly cheer things up! Happy stitching!

  2. Oh my! Yellow is my favorite color and this gingham quilt is just beautiful 💛 I've been finishing a lot of UFOs lately...I think I need to start something new 😉

  3. This quilt is so sweet and sunny and I love gingham, too. Other charity quilts are wonderful but this is my favorite. Also, my favorite to keep!!


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