
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

I Need Some Bright And Happy

 Hello Quilty Friends!  After months of working with not so loved fabrics, it's time to recharge my quilty soul.  Nothing makes this gals heart go pitter pat like a bright and happy quilt.  Oh, I have a ton of ideas for new quilts but I also have a ton of quilt tops needing to be quilted.  So I grabbed the one on the top of the stack.

This one was made back in 2014 and is called Back Door Beauty. It took some digging on my blog to find the start date and quilt details.  If you're looking for a good coffee spewing chuckle this morning, you really should hop over to this link and read my original post about how I acquired this fabric.  

The fabric line used for the applique is a Moda line called Miss Kate by Bonnie and Camille.  The applique is fusible raw edge.   This fairly small quilt barely used half of a layer cake.  Hopefully I can find the rest of the layer cake to use in the binding.

As with most of my UFO quilt tops, this one became a UFO because I couldn't decide on a quilting plan.  Today is no different.  She's loaded and ready to be quilted and I'm drawing a blank.  Sounds like  a good reason to wandering around Pinterest and Google and maybe fall down a rabbit hole or two.

Until next time...

I hope you find time to stitch up something sweet!

1 comment:

  1. I always think a good background quilting design is Baptist Fan. Make the design smaller with the curves 1/2" apart, beautiful, happy stitching!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne