
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Quilt Designer Kelli Fannin's Eternal Rest

 Kelli Fannin of Seriously I Think It Needs Stitches was granted eternal rest following a battle with cancer. 

Obituary can be found here.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. Deepest sympathy to her family.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I just found her Etsy store, last week. It said that she was on a break. I had no idea! I was hoping to buy some patterns. What a sad loss for her family and the quilting world!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Sorry to read though. She was a gem! I follow her mom's Blog. Gone way too young.

  4. I had a blast doing the minecraft quilt and it was a joy starting the Pokémon one. Anyway rest in peace Kelli Fannin!


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