
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Fabric Discipline

Slow progress is being made on my version of the Old Town Mystery quilt by Bonnie Hunter.

When I say my version, it means I've made some changes.  First change was the colors.

It needed to be changed to a more usable color pallet. I liked her colors, but would I really use the quilt?

The second change is the sashing.  When I participate in Bonnies yearly mystery, I always draw up her quilt in EQ after the big reveal.  Doing this lets me see how the color changes will look.  This one is cute, but I feel like my green sashing is too loud. It's screaming at me like a spoiled 3 yr. old child in the checkout lane of the grocery store.  So, as any good parent would do, I'm going to correct it now because if I don't the screams will only get worse as the years go by. 

Everyone has their techniques for dealing with screamers.  Mine has always been to give them attention.  I'm going to give this little one just what it needs to stay in the quilt and behave.  She was removed for a little disciplinary action.  Discipline takes a little extra time but it's worth it in the long run.  It didn't take very long to whip up a few star points.  Now she no longer screams at me.  What do you think, better? 

Now that she is calm let's see how she behaves under pressure.  The green sashing was flipped so the white touched the navy cornerstone. It made another unique secondary design.  It's hard to decide which one I like best. little cutie is so well behaved!

There may be one more change, the final borders. To me it's chaos and in need of some disciplinary actions as well. HAHA!
 Bonnie had us make the border units early in the mystery. If I change the border there will be a ton of scrap units to use in the quilt backing or save them for another quilt. this point I'm just not sure what to do.  So, I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


  1. EQ is a great way to see if you want to stick with Bonnie's setting and borders. I usually keep the setting, but often change the borders. Your version is looking really good. I like how you changed the construction to make a different secondary pattern.

  2. I like the version better when you flip the border and it makes a star, so cute! I know it's more work but you'll be glad in the future that you did. Happy stitching!

  3. Wow! I learn something new every day. I just bought EQ7 for a very discounted price. Putting this quilt into EQ is an excellent idea to see it in different colors and such. I can't wait to start learning it. I haven't opened the box yet. Thank you for the inspiration to try to use it. I really like the stars version.

  4. Thank you for sharing your changes and reasoning behind those changes. I have struggled with many of the pictures of completed tops thinking about how mine will look and those sashing pieces would be screaming. I have saved your changes to see how I can apply them to calm my top down when I get there.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne