
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Part 9 ~ What's In The Box ~ Black and Bright

 The deeper I dig into the UFO box, the older the UFO's. I'm pretty sure this one was started before 2011.  That's before I started blogging.

Many years ago at an estate sale I purchased a quilters scrap box of fabric.  Hidden deep in the box was clothing with the seams removed.  The wild and funky print in the middle of the block below was once a pair of bell-bottom pants.  The other fabrics are cheap fabrics from Joann's or Walmart.

The arcs in the blocks are appliqued onto the floral centers.

All that's left to do is add the sashings and borders and she'll be ready to quilt.

Yep, this groovy gal is going to the top of the finish it list.  It'll be quick and easy.

Everything I need to finish the quilt top is in the bag.  All I need is backing and batting. I have plenty of both on hand.


  1. What a fun find! The black is perfect for all those bold colors. Definitely a project to work on when it's cold and dreary outside.

  2. These blocks are awesome!! I love the black with the wild, too.

  3. I do love cathedral quilts but without the story behind it, I would say that these are definitely NOT your colors. It is so close; you'll have it done in no time.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne