
Monday, October 2, 2017

~ I Love Home BOM ~ Block 3

Happy Monday Morning quilting friends! It's time for block #3 of the Jacquelynne Steves I Love Home Block of the Month. You can find this months free block on Jacquelynne's blog here.  
Every month I'm trying to use at least one of the fancy stitches on my sewing machine or some type of embellishment, sometimes both.  
My applique templates were made using freezer paper.  A tutorial for freezer paper applique can be found here if you'd like to give it try.  The template in this tutorial is large but the same technique was used to make the small pieces for these quilt blocks.
Using Superior Threads MonoPoly Clear Thread and a tiny blanket stitch I machine appliqued the applique in place.  You can read more about this technique on last months block here.  The little leaves on the flower were made using one of those fancy stitches on my sewing machine.  Normally I don't use interfacing on my quilt blocks but this stitch wanted to pull and pucker my fabric.  So I used a Sulky Self Adhesive Tear Away interfacing on the back side of my block.
To test my leaf stitch before stitching them to the block I used a scrap piece of fabric and interfacing, adjusting the length and width of the stitches to find what I thought was the best look for my block.   And in all honesty I had to use the book to learn to sew a button by machine.  I normally do buttons by hand.
What a fun block and I learned so much.  This was also the first time that I can remember making HRT(half rectangle triangles).  Jacquelynne has made a video for those of us that are new to this technique.  The video can be found here.  It was quick and easy and worked perfectly!  Below is all my blocks so far.  You can find more block inspiration on the Pinterest Board and the Facebook Group.  
Don't forget to visit all the participants in the blog hop for inspiration and a more chances at the giveaway.

Now it's giveaway time!  This months giveaway is an assortment of buttons and charms from I Love Buttons Etc.
This giveaway is open to all!
To enter the Giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this blog post by Sunday October 8.   Septembers winner was 
Cheryl Gebhart, Congratulations!

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. Another great block and the tute on making the HRTs was so helpful ... Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for showing me how you auditioned your leaves. Have you been having any trouble finding freezer paper? used tobe parchment paper was hard to find but lots of that and no freezer paper in the grocery store!

  3. I love Michele's buttons! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  4. The half rectangle is a new technique to me--love those buttons!

  5. I LOVE buttons and have a new 5 month old granddaughter to sew for. I have been collecting different kind of buttons for a long time and now I have a chance to use them!

  6. I have so many stitches on my machine that I haven't tried! Great idea to use them on a project like this!

  7. I like the idea of using the Monopoly Thread and to use embroidery stitches for leaves. Thank you for sharing

  8. I am so enjoying these blocks! Love the happy colors you are using-what fun! Thank you, Susan

  9. I have not used monofilament thread yet but think I will try after seeing your results on this block! Beautiful work!

  10. I love buttons too. Love Superior thread. Thanks

  11. Love the idea of using your machine to make the leaves!

  12. Love learning about your experience making this block.

  13. I finally found out what I was doing wrong for my hsr:) I like seeing all the I Love Home Blocks

  14. Am enjoying all of the house blocks. Thank you for sharing your process. Great idea to use decorative machine stitches.

  15. I love all the tips you give me, such as the freezer paper for the templates. Knowledge for quilting is an endless road. I pin everything you post. Thannks

  16. I love buttons!
    On my bucket list is to make a stitch sample book of all the decorative stitches that my sewing machine can do. I did this for my previous machine and it was a great reference tool!

  17. I love pretty, unusual buttons. I use them to decorate various things that I make.

  18. Thanks for an opportunity to win--your house block is cute!

  19. Your block 3 is so sunny and bright. Thank you for all the information you shared on how you added your personal touches.

  20. Gorgeous block. Thanks for sharing

  21. Those leaves look great! I need to try that.

  22. What a great idea to experiment with your machine stitches. I love your bright colors!

  23. I like the leaves on your flower. Great way to use those gazillion machine stitches.

  24. These blocks have been so wonderful and I like the idea of using decorative stitches to add a little zing to them. The buttons would be a wonderful addition to anyone's quilting arsenal.

  25. Love your project! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Love the hearts! Thanks for the inspiration.

  27. Cute block! Love the leaf pattern from your machine! I have that pattern too. But never realized it was a leaf! Thanks!

  28. Your block is lovely! csgebhart at gmail dot com

  29. Thanks for all the tips and your block is very cute! Mary.

  30. I've loved all of these blocks and your machine embroidery is great!

  31. I love your block and how you did the leaves with a machine stitch!! I should look into that with my machine!

  32. Your block work is lovely, thank you for the tips

  33. Your block is very pretty. Good for you for trying out your machine decorative stitches. Thanks for sharing your tips.

  34. I will definitely try using some of the decorative stitches on my machine. Very good idea.

  35. I am embroidering my blocks by hand. I have an old Singer without decorative stiches and really enjoy hand embroidery.

  36. Your color choices for these blocks are so cheery and vivid! It's so much fun to explore those new stitches and use them for showing off pretty thread! Great work!

  37. Cute block. I like the fancy stitches you used.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  38. Lea Anne- Your blocks are always so darling! I love your details and your fabrics. Looks like I need to look at some tutorials to see how to make this block. So glad you have joined the sew a long and we get to see your blocks. K-

  39. I like your challenge to try new fancy stitches in each block.

  40. Love your fabric choices and I will definitely be trying to use my decorative stitches to make leaves. Thank you for sharing THAT tip!

  41. I LOVE your blocks and fabric choices! Maybe i missed it, but what fabric line are you using? I just love it. Thanks for the freezer paper tutorial as well!

    1. Most of the fabrics are Pam Kitty by Lakehouse Fabrics. There's also a few others thrown into the mix.

  42. I always love seeing the projects you work on. This BOM is coming along beautifully.

  43. Lea Ann, thank you so much for sharing your ideas! I am now encouraged to start trying out some of the "fancy" stitches of my machine on the 3 (Yep, just getting to September's block...ahh, life, you DO get in the way!) remaining blocks.

  44. Thank you for sharing this website with us! I LOVE buttons. Still have buttons from my youth in a big polka dot cup! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  45. Your block is beautiful as always! I love buttons too!

  46. These blocks are so cute - and I do need to review how to do freezer paper applique

  47. It's finally clicked what I'm doing wrong with HRT's, thank you. Love the buttons, I can't get enough of them!

  48. Hi Lea Anne,
    Your blocks are so darn cute! I just love the fabrics - the little thumbnail picture just drew me in. I had to read more about this lovely block and quilt. I can honestly say I would have to read how to sew on a button with my machine. I have only done it by hand. You leaves look just fab - the perfect size. HSTs - I love them, too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  49. Great job on this third block! Plus your pictures help to see how you did it. Thanks! :)

  50. I audition my new stitches the same way - and write down the specs next it - such a handy reference for "next time" it's needed.

  51. Your houses make for a perky neighborhood. Would love to live there.


  53. Pretty block! Thanks for the idea to try out the decorative stitches on my machine.

  54. Your blocks make me feel happy as they are so bright & cheerful. The embroidery really makes them pop.:)

  55. Your red and white blocks make me think of a Valentine. I like that you used your machine for leaves, etc. We have all these extra built in stitches we hardly ever use. Thanks for reminding us to use them.
    :) (

  56. I love how you're trying something new each time πŸ˜ƒ I've just bought some freezer paper so must try your applique method 😊

  57. I too have to look up on doing a different stitch than I am used to doing. Practice it first and get amazed it worked the way I wanted it to.

  58. this month's prize is awesome because i love to use buttons as a decoration!!

  59. Great pattern and I'd love to add the buttons to it!

  60. Bette at bettemcl@gmail.comOctober 4, 2017 at 6:16 PM

    Thanks for helping with ideas for these blocks!

  61. This is a great sew-along - love the different variations from all the quilters

  62. I LOVE anything that showcases buttons - something new and interesting to add to my quilted projects (i.e. mini quilts, table runners and wall hangings).

  63. Thanks for the chance to win and the information.

  64. Thank you for the tute I love this project!

  65. I’m learning a lot. Now to find some time for sewing.

  66. Thank you for the chance to win!! Oh my gosh, the ideas that are popping into my mind!

  67. Thank you for the giveaway - I love using buttons on my crazy quilting.

  68. Thanks for a chance to win. Love all the house blocks and seeing all the beautiful work.

  69. I love buttons. Any size. Any shape. Any color. I'm not choosy. I think it's because we played with them as children.

  70. Your invisible machine applique looks wonderful. I will have to try it. Lovely blocks! I need to use the different stitches on my machine more often.

  71. Thanks for a chance to win BUTTONS, I love them!

  72. Hello from another Hoosier! Thanks for the contest entry.

  73. This will be my first attempt at quilting "I Love Home BOM"

  74. I am enjoying the I Love Home blocks. It was a great way to start by cutting out all the pieces first! It is so nice just to know the fabrics are ready to go when the new block is presented. Thanks for being part of this. The buttons would be fun to use in a lot of different projects.

  75. Your block is beautiful and I love that you are using a new embellishment or stitch to make each one different.

  76. I love the way you did the leaves on your block!! I think I need to try that with my own block!! Your block is the colors and prints! :)

  77. I have really enjoyed seeing the variety of ways/color combos of blocks! Such great inspiration!

  78. Getting a new machine payday and looking forward to learning how to do machine applique!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne