
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

First Day of Spring

Hello cute quilters!  Today is the first day of spring and it snowed last night.   What the heck?  Obviously mother nature wanted the new spring flowers to have a beautiful white backdrop allowing them to really POP and say HELLO SPRING!  She's so smart. What better way to get the attention of even the Gloomy-ist Gus, reminding us that warmer weather and brighter skies are headed our way.  The signs are everywhere in nature if your willing to take a moment to stop and take them all in.  

Life tosses us signs if we pay attention.  As I mentioned yesterday I've been in a slump for a few weeks and have been in need of something.  Well that something was a reminder of why I started this blogging and quilting journey.  This one e-mail put it all in perspective for me.  With the permission of sender I'm copy and pasting the exact email.  Thank you Turid for allowing me to share your e-mail.

The attached picture of their quilt made with my free Podunk Posy pattern.   

This is why I quilt, this is why I shared free patterns.  When I say "this" it's not that I could share her picture.  It was"This" moment for her, the comfort she felt. 

Thank you, Turid for sharing your story and photo.  You and your husband are in my thoughts, blessings to you both.  This was just the push I needed to get out of my slump.  

~ Lea Anne ~


  1. How nice is that? Anyone would be happy to see one of their quilts being used somewhere.

  2. Lee Anne, does it get any better than that? I believe your post today will nudge anyone in a slump, up and over! Thank you for sharing!

  3. I don't have such a heart-warming story like Turid but please know that reading your blog and seeing your work and your progress as a designer has been and is an inspiration to me. Thank you, Lea Anne.

  4. Hi Lea Anne,
    Such a lovely quilt - I can certainly see why it would bring comfort and a big smile. Those colors are just perfect for Spring, whenever it gets here. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Lea Anne...what a beautiful quilt she much love in that quilt. You are an inspiration to me and I know to others ...thank you for yr patterns and sharing yr world w us...Happy Quilting!!!

  6. We meet some amazing, sweet and kind people through blogging! In 2 days it will be my 10th year blogging! I have met so many wonderful people from around the world through my blog and following other blogs like yours Lea Anne. What a lovely email you received and a gorgeous quilt!

  7. sniff sniff..a nice story.. You have beautiful prints and beautiful quilts/patterns and are such an inspiration. I haven't made anything yet, but have an idea in mind...thank you :)

  8. How nice that Turid sent you this message. Sometimes we need affirmation that what we do does mean something and touches peoples lives. Your quilt designs are so happy and always bring a smile to my face. I’m glad you have your mojo back!

  9. How nice of her to share the picture and story. We often have no idea of how much impact we have on people. That is a happy quilt.

  10. How awesome! Beautiful pattern! This quilt is so cheery - and was just what Turid needed at that very moment. Thank you for sharing your pattern!

  11. I just returned from visiting a friend in the hospital. When i opened my email and saw your post. I remembered I have a box of 2 1/2 in squares sewn into small checkered board blocks. I had no idea what i was going to do with them but i knew one day i would be inspired. Well you have inspired me to make your quilt. I'm not sure where this quilt will end up. But I am sure it will make some one smile. Thank you
    Pam from Canada

  12. Quilting really is about the joy what you do gives to others isn't it. Every day I see My Guy use the quilt I made for him, it makes me smile. Glad someone gave you back the joy. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.


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