
Monday, March 19, 2018

~ I can't wait ~

Good Monday Morning sweet quilty friends!  I've had a huge pile of blue and yellow squares sitting on my cutting table for weeks.  They were supposed to be for a leaders and enders project.  But I couldn't wait to sew up at least one block.

The plan is for a simple charm quilt big enough for the queen size bed in the spare bedroom.  These simple quilt patterns appeal to me more these days.  There was a time when I couldn't wait to learn how to make the more complicated quilts.  Now that I know how to make them they just don't have the same charm as the classic and traditional patterns.

And who doesn't just love a sweet little stack of scrappy squares.

It'll take some will power on my part not to sew this quilt up as fast as I can.  Well maybe I can make just one block a day!

~ Lea Anne ~

Linking up with the blogs below


  1. Love the colours. Blues and yellows with white are so fresh!

  2. I don't do well with leaders/enders for this exact reason... I get too impatient and want to see the finished blocks. This is going to be a beautiful quilt!

  3. I know the feeling. I'm also making a quilt like this just now. My squares are 1,5".

  4. Love your fabric choice. Blue and yellow is so lovely.

  5. blue and yellow is so happy - I have trouble sticking it out for leaders and enders too:)

  6. IT will be beautiful and cheery-love the color combo! :)

  7. Hi Lea Anne,
    I love this color combination! I made a queen size quilt for my sister using these colors. I can see why this is a perfect leader/ender project, but I can also understand why you'd want to just get 'er done too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Blue and yellow are such happy colors together. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt for your spare bed.


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