
Friday, November 8, 2024

A Quick Project And A New Quilt Plan

Guess what I got to do this week?  Fabric shopping! 

Mr. Podunk needed two new pillows and pillowcases to go with his new camping quilt.  When he camps and hunts it's a bit rustic.  He hunts with a bow and arrow or a muzzleloader.  There's no running water or electricity and he cooks over a campfire. So, fancy bedding is out of the question.  The blue fabric used for the pillowcases was purchased at Hobby Lobby on sale for 40% off.  

Each pillowcase requires one yard of fabric.  The fabric on sale was $3.59 yard!  What a bargain. 

 They whipped up in a mere 20 to 30 minutes. Peek inside and at the French seam.  Sounds fancy, huh?  Guess what? Those French seams are a piece of cake!

If you're interested in making a pillowcase, I found a helpful video tutorial below that was pretty close to how I made mine.  The first difference is I used cotton fabric instead of silk.  The next difference is I used a quarter inch seam for the French seam, she used a half inch seam.

And the last difference is I used a 2.5" cuff, she used a 4" cuff. 

Mr. Podunk is happy with his new pillows, and the fact that they're homemade and budget-friendly was icing on the cake.  

The other blue fabric was an impulse purchase.  It's a 108 wide backing, also on sale at Hobby Lobby for $7.19 a yard!  What a deal!  

Remember the Frosty's Forrest quilt I made about this time last year?  I like this style of a two-color quilt with the background being the darker color.  So, it's time to make another two-color quilt, but this time in blue. I'll be using this backing for a quilt top as soon as the current works in progress are finished...or close to finished...HAHA!  See you soon!


  1. I have purchased and used that dark blue a lot for patriotic table runners, binding and for the main part of the front. Also the wide blue with stars and red with stars.

  2. Nice job on the pillow cases. I use cotton, too but use the 4" cuff because I usually personalize it with the person's name embroidered on it. I like your "Bloom" sign. Very cute. Did you paint it yourself?

  3. Thrifty finds for necessities always makes for a good day. Enjoy your new project. I like blue, so it sounds perfect to me.

  4. Love it, the Pillowcases and the Denim Quilt ! Can I ask what machine you use to quilt with, I am looking for a machine and would like to know your opinion, thanks!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne