Wednesday, August 29, 2018

~ On a Roll ~

 Hi-diddly-O Friends!  For the first time ever working out of my color comfort zone is actually fun.  Whoa...must have something to do with Mercury being in retrograde.  I've no idea what that means, all I know is right now the planet Mercury is doing some weirdo stuff and some say it makes strange things happen.  OOOOO....SPOOKY STUFF!  

Well.... out here in Podunk strange stuff happens everyday.  Spooky?  Sometimes...but that's a story for another day.  We'll stick to the strange stuff today.   Example....yesterday morning while letting the chickens out to roam I noticed this ugly little guy in our raccoon trap.  Opossums aren't real destructive so he was free to leave.   For some odd reason he decided to nap in the cage all day.  When hubby came home in the evening he quickly gave sleeping beauty his eviction notice and sent him on his way.  Never seen a critter that wanted to be caged....strange.   It wouldn't surprise one bit if he comes back tonight...I'll keep you posted.

For now I'm back in the Studio stitching my little nine patches....and craving a Pumpkin roll.  This strange craving has nothing to do with Mercury and everything to do with orange fabric.  Orange fabric = pumpkins  in my mind.  And pumpkins = PUMPKIN ROLLS!  YUM!  

Have you ever made a Pumpkin roll?  This is one of the desserts the family insists I make every Thanksgiving.    You could smear cream cheese on cardboard and it would be delicious!  I wanted to share the recipe with you but was too lazy to go digging for it.  Well, I found the same recipe online with a quick google search.  And the plus was this gal is also a crafter/quilter/chef.   The picture and recipe below is courtesy of Adrianne of

She has several awesome sewing projects that you can find here.  But the one I thought was super cute and on my list of must makes is this cute little bandanna pumpkin.  It's a no sew project, perfect for a quicky seasonal decor project.   I'm pretty sure Walmart and the Dollar General have orange bandannas.   My laziness paid off this time!  Hmm...maybe Mercury is working it's weirdness after all....SPOOKY!

~ Lea Anne ~

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  1. Oh, maybe your little critter feels safe in that cage? Fun, and please tell if he's back another night.

  2. That pumpkin roll looks amazingly delicious. You had to go and tempt me. I usually opt for SBucks pumpkin cream cheese muffin when I can find them.
    It is amazing what happens when you do something outside of your comfort zone. I have a picnic quilt I am working on that incorporates colors I have never put together in a quilt.
    Tell us all your spooky stories next month!~
    Oh re possums, I had a baby approach me while I was sitting outside. He seemed to have no fear of humans.

  3. Cute orange blocks, and this pumpkin roll looks delicious ;)

  4. Love the recipe and bandana pumpkin- looking forward to your project:)

  5. Possums are weird. Plus they are nocturnal so he was probably as comfortable there as anywhere while waiting for night. You'd think he would run up a tree but...weird.

  6. Oh my gosh how cute...and i have considered this recipe in the past and now i think i'm going to have to give it a try. This is the weekend i will be getting the pumpkins out (as i've been reminding my husband) and looking forward to doing a little baking as I get in the fall mood! I currently have 2 possums in our barn...amongst other creature.... Can't wait to see what you sew next...thanks :)

  7. Lea Anne, orange is not really in my comfort zone either, but I am digging your little 9 patch blocks! Can't wait to see the final product!! When we had an outside cat, we often would have possums and raccoons come to feast! They would just continue eating and stare at us in the doorway!

  8. Interesting seeing your little possum. In New Zealand we don't like them, as they destroy our native bush at a huge rate. We have possum hunts to cull them. If you accidentally run one over no-body minds at all. They are an introduced animal to our country. We have about 30 million of them. While across the ditch in Australia they are a protected species. Funny eh?


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