Monday, December 31, 2018

~ Good Fortune, Clue 6 ~

Hello Quilting Friends!  Can you believe it's been almost a week since I last stepped foot in the Studio?  So now it's time to play catch up with my Good Fortune Clues 5 and 6.  Thank goodness Clue 6 is fairly small.   I should be able to make all of the units without cutting into my yardage.

Some of the creamy scraps are about 20 years old while others are a little more recent.  But they all play nicely together.  The cherry fabric on the left side of the picture below is one of favorite prints.  You all know me and my love of cherries! 

The instructions for this clue called for stitching the strips onto paper.   I really can't find one good reason to do that.  If this were a complex paper piecing design or if we needed the strips to line up in a certain order to make design I could see using paper.  But this is simple straight string piecing, nothing needs to line up.  So I'm living life on the wild side without paper.  To be honest I very much dislike removing the papers.  That's why I almost never do paper piecing.  And when I do on a rare occasion use that method of piecing I do it paperless.  Have you ever seen paperless paper piecing?  If not, you really must give it a try.  Here's a tutorial, click here.  

This improv style of sewing is so fast.  Within minutes I had several scrappy units.

Not bad for about an hours worth of work.  I should be able to finish these up in no time at all.  And the best part is there's no paper to remove!  Yeah!  

So how many of you are with me living life on the wild side and sewing paperless?

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#quiltvillemystery #goodfortunequilt #podunkpretties #stringquilt 

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  1. I recently pieced a string quilt and I didn't use paper. If it is just straight strips like this step was, I don't see the point of the paper. Have a Happy New Year!

  2. I haven't been able to start Good Fortune yet, but when I do, I don't plan to use paper!
    Happy New Year Lea Anne!

  3. I don't use paper either and not sure what the benefit to using it is. I just sew them together, press seams open and square up - works for me too

  4. It did not even occur to me to try it without paper... I'm going to try both now! Thanks for the permission to go rogue! LOL

  5. I use paper. I find removing it relaxing. Your units are so pretty!

  6. No paper harmed here! I do sew the strips in alternate directions, and this is supposed to stop them curving.

  7. I am using paper to stop the irregularly shaped pieces shifting and stretching. I find with a stitch length of 1.5mm the papers easily come off.

  8. Your choice of background fabric strips is going to be so pretty. I can't wait for the reveal just to remind me that I should have done it.

  9. I'll have to try the paperless paper piecing in the future. I love all the neutral fabrics!

  10. Love the strings! Happy New Year!

  11. A lot of my strips are wonky, so I think the paper is helping with the bias edges. The paper is coming off really easily, but I'm going to wait until they get pieced onto other units before I take all the paper off. I get a perverse pleasure in tearing the papers off!Your units look terrific, Lea Anne. You always do such fabulous work.


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