Thursday, February 2, 2023

Throwback Thursday ~ Baby Dresden Quilt

Just thought I would pop in today and share pictures of a quilt I made and gave away back in 2015.  She's a little cutie made for my youngest granddaughter named Scarlet.  Back in those days I didn't name or label my quilts like I do today.  So we'll just call her this baby quilt.  

This baby quilt was my own creation drafted with good old fashion pencil and paper.  If interested you can see more about that process here.  Designing quilts has been a passion of mine since the very beginning of my quilting journey.  The quilting part however is a real struggle.  I did a pretty good job quilting up this little gal.   You just can't go wrong quilting it to death with feathers and crosshatching.

She turned out really cute but she had her issues when making the applique.  I learned a very valuable lesson about shrinking freezer paper applique templates.  Again...if your interested in that story click here.  

Here's a picture of the back of the quilt showing all the quilting.  Taking a look back in time makes me want to make another one for me.  I bet if I dig deep enough in the studio I could find these templates.  Maybe...but not today.  Stay focused on the  UFO plan Miss Lea Anne.

Until next time...
I hope you find time to stitch up something sweet!

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  1. This quilt is so pretty! I'm impressed with the quilting. Did you have a long arm machine back then or was this quilted with your sewing machine? Happy stitching!

  2. LeaAnne..just so beautiful baby quilt. Yr guilting is awesome girl. I wish I could do could quilt like you. Love all yr quilts and array of colors!!

  3. Your quilting is just gorgeous! The whole quilt is beautiful.


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