Friday, February 28, 2025

Loaded, Labeled and Loved!

 Hi Quilty Friends!  I did it! She's on the frame and ready to be quilted.  After 11 yrs this gal is really going to be quilted. SQUEAL!  This quilt has been pulled out of storage so many times over the years.  I would do the quilt stare for days, searching my brain for just the right quilting plan. Then back in storage she would go.  What changed?  Well, it's simple.  I no longer feel the need to quilt a quilt to death.  Just getting it done is good enough.

I'm sure I've mentioned this a few times over the years...I do not like quilting a quilt.  Thirteen years ago, I bought a quilter thinking it would make the quilting process more enjoyable.  It does but I still would rather be doing anything other than quilting.  

If I won the lottery, all my quilts would be sent to a longarmer for custom quilting.  Well, I don't play the lottery so unless a bag of money falls out of the sky, I'm stuck with quilting my own quilts. 

 I'm letting go....every quilt doesn't need to be masterfully quilted.

Sure, from time to time I'm sure I'll take a little more time quilting a quilt when the mood strikes.  Quilting is my therapy.  If it's not making me happy, why do it?

I was thinking that very thing yesterday when making the quilt label.  The quilt top is happy and bright so why not take that theme over to the label.  I played around with ideas of adding borders to the label or piecing a cute block but the best(quickest) I could come up with was different thread colors that match the backing fabric.  It's simple and makes me smile.  

This is what quilting is meant to be.  Happiness!  Even the tiny little blanket stitch makes my little ole heart go pitter-pat.  Maybe the next time I'll get really wild and crazy by using one of those fancy stitches on my machine for sewing the label into place.  This letting go and enjoying the process feels so good!

My playful inner child couldn't be stopped.  She needed more color and whimsy.  Might as well let her play while she's in the mood.  She pulled out a few striped fabrics before deciding on the green stripe for the binding fabric.

She wasted no time getting the binding ready for the quilt.  I like the way this girl thinks.  She knows it's the right amount of inspiration to keep me motivated to finish this quilt as quickly as possible. 
Gotta run!  Time to quilt this cutie!

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  1. The green stripe fabric is perfect for binding. Yes, simple quilting, let the daisies shine, happy stitching!

  2. YES!!! I am glad she is finally getting to see the light of day!! what a beauty!! and that striped binding is going to be perfect!!!!!

  3. I feel the same about quilting. I do all my own quilting on my sewing machine, nothing fancy, but I always feel that as good as I can do, is good enough for me. I’m partial to simple quilting, like meandering, straight or wavy lines, and cross-hatching. Finished is better than perfect! I love those bright, happy colors on your new quilt … so fun! Candy

  4. A very practical approach to finishing off projects. Now that I'm retired, sending all my quilts out isn't an option. This year I am going to learn to quilt some of the smaller ones intended for donation. Hopefully the quilting goes quickly and you can get back to piecing. That's my favorite part too.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne

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