Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Look what I found yesterday!

There's two areas in my life that can get messy. Everyone needs a place to just "BE" .  My sewing studio and my truck is my let it "BE" spaces.  Mom says my home is  too clean.  Is that possible?  Well anyway... while digging through a cabinet yesterday a very suspicious looking bag caught my eye, and it was stuffed to the gills.  Don't remember putting anything in that bag, glad I found it I'd been looking for it(the empty bag).  It was a freebie from a quilt show last year.  Now look what was tucked inside.  My goodness, the things we forget.  Another UFO that is so close to being ready to make into a flimsy.

 One block left to hand applique, that can be done in one good movie!  And then all that's left to do is piece the alternating block which is an easy one.  Those gloves laying there also were found yesterday, they are supposed to be in the glove box in my truck, somehow they ended up in one of my hope chests...who knows how.  It's like the time the TV remote was found in the fridge...could be aliens, ghosts, gremlins, it most certainly couldn't be me!
While we're on the subject of applique here's a great tutorial for making perfect circles every time.  It's an Erin Russek tute.  

Until next time " Quilt out of your Comfort Zone!"
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  1. I know exactly what you mean! I am always finding UFO's around the house. For me, it gets kind of embarrassing to see how many projects I've started and not finished. I think those blocks would make a beautiful quilt. Can't wait to see it finished!

    Cheery wave!

  2. because my house is far from being "too clean"" ! I am always finding "stuff" I had lost... its wonderful xx

  3. Could you ask your gloves where my Kindle is? I lost it some how last week (without ever leaving home) and I know it will appear in some weird place.

    I like that UFO and can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  4. sounds like the time i found our cordless land line in my purse...


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