Monday, June 1, 2015

Excuse the mess

Good Monday Morning!  I'm so glad that you've stopped by, but let me warn's a MESS in Podunk today.   So step over the sorted dirty laundry, don't look at the dishes in the kitchen sink,  and if you don't mind drinking from a styrofoam cup grab yourself a cuppa whatever you can find.  If your hungry there's some left over chicken in the fridge and a half eaten slice of watermelon with a fork still sticking out of it on the counter, help yourself while I go brush my teeth and try to get a brush through my grass entangled bedhead.  And if you want to sit down just toss that quilt and pillow off the couch, I'll fold it....eventually.

 Now that I'm halfway presentable I'll share with you what little progress has been made on my quilt.   To be honest I've not stepped foot in here since Thursday afternoon.  It feels good to be home and in my happy place even though I don't have time for quilting right now.... maybe tomorrow....we'll see.

 I know some of you are wondering where I'm going with these blocks.  Here's the EQ drawing.  Hopefully I'll get time to finish up the appliqued blocks tomorrow before I leave again.   I hadn't planned on hand appliqueing them but I think there will be plenty of time while I'm gone from Podunk.

Where am I going?  (sigh)  Well let me say this first.  I try to keep things upbeat and pleasant around Podunk Pretties.  Occasionally sharing the unpleasant  behind the scenes is necessary.   So....Dad is having triple(maybe five) bypass heart surgery on Wednesday.  Mom and I have been running back and forth from the hospital since last Thursday.  I'll be living with her and dad for as long as they need me.  It could be a week or months, it all depends on how well he bounces back.   He's home right now and doing fine, but isn't allowed to do anything but sit, eat and breathe.   That's why I've grass in my hair.  Me and my boys, their girlfriends and some aunt and uncles did mom and dads  yard work yesterday.  They've not been able to keep it up as well this year and refused to let anyone help.  Well he has no choice now!  Over 6 acres to mow, it took 4 riding lawn mowers, 2 chain saws and about 8 hrs total to get everything done. I was totally exhausted last night, physically and emotionally.  

 Since mom doesn't drive well or handle stress very well I'll be her chauffeur and emotional support until dad is released to drive again.   I don't have to tell you what the last few days have been like or what the next few months might bring.  I might become a little MIA from blogland.  But honestly I'm the type of person that likes to keep my mind and hands busy, it's my therapy.   I may not post as often or be able to respond to all emails but I'm sure gonna give it my best shot.  Also I had originally planned on  sharing the pattern for this quilt with you before the Fourth of July.  As you can see from the picture above the borders and insets triangles are a little complex.  I've not had time to make test pieces.  As soon as I can get those made I'll post them, but it could a few weeks.  

Well that's it, thanks for listening and caring enough to read through all my ramblings.  

~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. OhMyGoodness! Sending up prayers for dad a speedy recovery, for mom to stay strong and for you to keep everything and everyone together. Your quilt is going to be fabulous. I hope you find some quiet stitching time.

  2. Prayers are going up for all of you from me, too. I know your parents really appreciate all of your help with them and your family's help with the yard. I, too, hope you find some time to stitch and sew. This quilt is going to be stunning.

  3. Family is always first - prayers for all.

  4. Good job keeping your thoughts upbeat! Will keep you all in my thoughts and you keep us posted!

  5. I absolutely love your quilt. The checks and dots really keep it fresh. I'm inspired to try it -- even the applique. Though it's scary at the time, many folks recover quickly from bypass surgery. Just make sure Dad follows the doctors orders and schedule some time for yourself.

  6. Remember to take care of yourself as well as your loved ones!

  7. What a darling quilt! We will understand if you are not around for a bit. My dad had heart surgery and it was very challenging for my mom too. Know that your presence with her will be a big encouragement. We will be here waiting for your always uplifting posts when you are able. K-

  8. Love your quilt, want to make it! Family first, I'll be keeping ya'll in my prayers this week. (((Hugs))))

  9. I understand how that goes.... it's a lot to juggle.
    Take good care and keep on stitching!

  10. Be sure to take care of yourself while you're taking care of Dad and Mom. I send my best wishes that everything goes smoothly and that Dad is home and recovering in no time flat. I'll be thinking about you and looking forward to your blog posts whenever they happen. Big hugs!!

  11. It's nice that you have the time and ability to help your parents out right now. I hope he's going to be OK and I'm glad you have your quilting to help with your own stress!

  12. God speed for a fast and complete recovery for your Dad. And how wonderful for your Mom that you can be there for her. You are a good daughter.

  13. Ahhhh...been there and I feel your pain! Wishing you and yours only the best.

  14. Best wishes for you and your dad. I hope to read good news from you soon. Kind regards.

  15. Keeping good thoughts for you. Take care of yourself, and don't forget to breathe.
    (And your quilt is beautiful!)

  16. Your quilt is SO pretty. Using the gingham is so clever!!! Speedy recovery to your Dad!

  17. So sorry to hear about your dad! That's sure a lot for you to take on. You are a wonderful daughter. I love, love, love this quilt. I'm going to make it as soon as you get the tutorial done. I know it might be this fall but this is a beautiful, beautiful quilt design. I wish I could be there to help you. XOXO

  18. Love, love, love your RWB quilt, very distinctive. Enjoy your blog, but realize your attention is needed for pressing issues. Wishing your Dad's health improves, he's sure to feel so much better when surgery gets to the healing stage. Your steadfastness will be such a gift to your mother when she has your support to be stronger herself. Family first, and we'll be cheering you on, be here when you get back. Stephani in N. TX (

  19. Best wishes for your dad's successful surgery and a swift, uneventful recovery. You're a good daughter and lucky to be able to help your parents when they are in such need. I hope you take care of yourself, as well as your folks. Whenever you have time to update us on your dad's progress and your own stitching progress, we will be glad to hear from you. Take care.

  20. Have put Dad on my prayer list and you and Mum too of course, will be thinking of you all and knw the good Lord will watch over you.Tht certainly is some backyard they have sounds more like an estate to me.

  21. You basically described my house. I am sorry you are going thru this current trial but your attitude is so good it's an inspiration. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  22. The design picture done in EQ is wonderful. I look forward to the finished product. Your fabric choices are something I like very much. Especially the red and white check/plaid.
    I hope your father's recovery goes well.

  23. Dear Lea Anne, I wish your dad the very best luck in his heart op. My mother went to a single heart bypass about three years ago at the age of 78 and it all went quickly and well. Now I'm going through the same moments like you, old parents, having to take care of them as now my mother is worse of her senile dementia. Now it is our turn to take care of them, what it helps me is having some kind of little sewing in hand to bring to hospitals or while being with my parents, those little moments you can have to sew. The very best luck Lea Anne!!

  24. I hope everything goes smoothly for your dad and he has a quick recovery! I'm absolutely in love with this project--dots and checks--yay!

  25. Lea Anne I have been reading your blog for a while now on my phone but wasn't successful commenting previously (not to good with tech-y stuff!). I enjoy your work, and I especially like watching your quilts develop. Thank you for sharing with us. Also, I just wanted to tell you when I went on Fave Quilts this morning I immediately recognized your April Showers tutorial scrolling across their banner. Best wishes to your dad & mom.

  26. Thoughts are with you. I have been through this with my parents as well. Best wishes.

  27. I hope your Dad has a good and quick recovery. Your quilt is looking great and will be waiting for you when you get back as will we!

  28. You and your family and especially your dad~are all in my thoughts. Glad you have lots of hand stitching to do on your lovely quilt to keep your mind/hands busy. It is a wonderful gift to be able to love our parents and take care of them. Wishing you all well, and I will be looking for updates!

  29. Hope your dad makes a speedy and thorough recovery. Don't forget to take care of yourself while you're taking care of's easy to forget, and very important so you don't stress out and burn out! As always, your Podunk Pretties are BEAUTIFUL, and I look forward to seeing more of them as the summer unfolds. All the best to you and your family...

  30. Hope your dad's surgery went well and he is starting his recovery, hope you have some time to get some quilting in while you're staying with your parents.

  31. Get well soon wishes for your dad, from Down Under. X

  32. Prayers for your dad. Hope he heals quickly and is back on his feet soon.

  33. Stitching through stress is always a good solution!!

  34. Sending hugs and prayers! Love the quilt so far!

  35. I hope this finds your family in good health. I love this quilt would it possible to find out the sizes of the individual pieces. Thanking you in advance. Peg


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