Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Podunk Posy Quilt~Free Pattern

Recently I was contacted by one of my followers named Anne.  She sent some pictures of the quilt she made using my Podunk Posy pattern.  It's a free pattern that you can find in the Tutorials tab at the top of my blog .

This  makes all the countless hours of writing tutorials and taking pictures worth every minute.  Anne made a modification to the pattern by adding frames around the corner blocks, I think turned out great!

The close up pictures are always my favorite when it comes to scrappy quilts.  I like to look at all the pretty fabrics to see if I recognize the prints or have them in my stash.  Am I the only one that does this?

One fabric really caught my eye... the backing.  I'm not sure who made it but I'd love to have some of it!  Gorgeous!

Anne also asked a very important question that I never thought to address on my blog about my free patterns.  She asked if she could sell her adorable quilt made with my pattern.  WELL OF COURSE YOU CAN!  You made it, do with it as you please.  I only ask that if you make one of my free patterns and show it online or in a quilt show you give me credit for the pattern and of course link back to my blog.  It's not a law, just a common courtesy. 

Thanks again Anne for sharing your pictures with me, it makes my little ole heart sing to know others enjoy and use my patterns.

~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. Oh, my goodness, it's absolutely beautiful! What a great scrap buster!

  2. What a great job on a beautiful pattern

  3. She did a lovely job, and so did you! How generous to share a pattern that someone will benefit from. You're good folks, Lee Anne.

  4. that was so nice , love that quilt and i'm with you would love to have some of that backing

  5. So pretty. I've told you before that I love this pattern. And I'm so glad to tell you that my quilt guild just finished the to and sent it for quilting. You may read about it on my blog today. Thank you so much, Lea Anne. Everybody were so satisfied on how this turned out.

  6. So pretty! Thanks again for the pattern.

  7. This quilt is so pretty, I love the pattern and it is on my list to make. Thank you for the pattern and all the inspiration you provide.

  8. You must have been so thrilled to open the pictures from Anne, how nice of her to share! Yes, I think of scrappy Quilts as a Quilter's I-Spy, I can never tire of it! Love that backing print! Now to check out tubback's...

  9. I love it and I love the fact that can share so easily

  10. I love it and I love the fact that can share so easily

  11. Anne did a beautiful job. It's a wonderful pattern and very nice of you to share it.


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