Sunday, May 22, 2016

Podunk Pickin's #32, Cinema at 7

This weeks pick inspired me to take a walk down memory lane.  To a time when things were easier.  Long before the internet and cable TV.  A time when families actually spent time together.  As much as I love the internet and our 200+ channels of non stop entertainment I still miss those days of nothing to do and nothing to watch on TV.   Sundays in my childhood home was the only day our family was all together.  During the spring and summer our Sundays were spent tending to the garden and yard work.  But in the winter it was playtime.  Most of our Sundays were spent at the Cinema watching the latest action movies.  Afterwards we'd head off to the Mall for an ice cream cone (Rocky Road for me) from Baskin Robins. Leisurely strolling around window shopping, rarely even stepping foot into the shops.  Of course the day wouldn't be complete until dad and my brother had a weekly visit to the tool department in Sears while mom and I shopped for new cloths...on the clearance racks of course.  So what does all this have to do with this weeks pick?
Well the random number generator chose #9.
Sew Yummy linked up this wonderful scrap quilt she calls "Cinema at 7".  You can find more information about it here on her blog.  What great way to use up scraps.  A smaller version of this would be nice for movie nights at home don't you think?

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  1. That quilt does remind me of film. Great idea.

  2. I remember getting to sleep in on Sunday morning, which I rarely do now. Have a great Sunday.

  3. sounds like my childhood, we always had books to read to


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