Friday, August 11, 2017

~ Out with the old... ~

...In with the new.  Yes dear quilting friends change is in the air, I can feel it, literally.  We've had some really mild days here in Podunk.  That means Autumn is fast approaching...I hope.  Well before I get to the really exciting news about change, how about a pretty picture just because bright colors make me happy.  The beautiful background block below was a gift from my dear friend Bev at Blossomandbev.  There's three more of these lovelies waiting for me to finish.
So what's the big change?  There's a couple of things.  The first is I'm launching my new Craftsy pattern shop next week!  I'm super excited and have been working hard to get everything done with the help of Bev as a pattern tester.   Along with pattern shop I'll be making some changes here on the blog, you might have noticed the new blog header.  Please bare with me as I make and test other features on the blog.  Another change is my logo, I'll be retiring my old logo below and replacing it with something pretty similar.
Here she is!  Not much of a change, the design was based upon my old logo.  But I now have the freedom to change the color when needed.  If you look up at the first picture in this post you'll see that I can also use it as a watermark.
 See you next week!

~ Lea Anne ~

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  1. Congratulations on an exciting step forward!

  2. Congratulations on the exciting changes coming. Love the new logo. Happy sewing and designing! Andrea

  3. Quilty changes are fun! Looking forward to seeing what is in store. :)

  4. It all looks lovely! I am excited to see what else you have in store!!

  5. So happy to see your new logo and header. They are beautiful! Good luck launching your new patterns. Thank you for all your beautiful posts and tutorials.

  6. Oh how fun! Love the logo refresh, and that your new logo is still recognizable to those who were familiar with your old one. Congrats on your exciting changes!

  7. Best of luck with the new venture it is sure to be a great success. I do miss Bev not blogging these days instagram I do look at sometimes but so prefer a blog to read

  8. You go girl! Good luck with everything and congrats!!!

  9. How fun! Congrats on the new adventure.

  10. I have used "several" yo-yo's in the past. I once made a "Game Quilt" for my oldest grandson and for the game pieces yo-yo's were used. I have since used them every once in a great while! Thank you



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