Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Simple Joys

Happy Saturday happy quilters!  This week has been super busy.  Our garden keeps me busy preserving the harvest but in between bushels of vegetables the fabric is flying and the sewing machine humming.  For most quilters this time of year means stitching up fall quilts.  I'm not a big fan of fall colored quilts so I'm jumping ahead and working on a Christmas quilt.  For our family Christmas is all about family time and the simple things in life.  While working on my current project I'm trying to stay focused on just that..simple.  And it occurred to me that there are some really simple things in quilting that give me great pleasure.  Like the tiny 4 patch that is made when you spin the seams on the back of a block to make them flatten.   The little four patch inspired me to stop and enjoy the moment of tiny little things I love.  
  Pulling fabric is another Joy.  Seeing others quilters fabric selections also makes my little ole heart go pitter-pat.  The love affair with fabric is pretty close to an obsessive disorder.  But I don't have to tell you that, you all understand!
 Well this new quilt has me so over the moon excited that I've decided to make it in two different color ways.  One for me and one as a gift.  The hard part will be deciding which one to give away.  
So I gotta know, is there a quilting joy that makes you pause?   That one simple thing that always makes you smile?  Does it take your breathe away or is it a calming sigh?  I know there's more than a few kindred spirits out there.
Thanks for stopping by my little spot in Podunk

~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. I think putting the blocks on my design wall and stepping back to see what is being created is my **sigh** moment. It amazes me what can be created out of a pile of fabrics that we would never wear together, but they are beautiful in a quilt.

    1. I have a moment when the quilt is complete and in its new home, whether it be my home or someone else's.

  2. My "sigh" moment is when I put together a scrap quilt and see that they actually do make a great pattern that you can see even tho none of the fabrics were purchased to go together and I can put pink with red with orange and still love the quilt!

    I also really like the feeling of making a scrappy back to my quilts now since I am trying to use up the small pieces of fabric that I have leftover from other projects. It makes me remember when my Mom would grab a wild orange and black large floral piece of fabric and use it for a back because "you just can't let this fabric go to waste!"

  3. I hand quilt my quilts. My magic moment is when I have quilting a long stretch and the light is shining just right and it looks so perfect. (It really isn't) it does my heart good, and I think, "I did that?"

    1. Hand quilting always gives me pause, envious of those who can have the patience.

  4. My moment is when I get an idea in my head and I have all the fabric and tools in my stash to accomplish it. Just this week I gathered fabrics from my stash to make two new quilts AND curtains for our cabin and I put fabrics together to make all of that. Finished one quilt top and one set of curtains and it makes me feel good to accomplish it with fabric from my own stash!

  5. When I get all my blocks on the design wall, which is in our TV room, I sit back and am happy that, yes, this is going to be a pretty quilt.

  6. Finishing the first block of a new quilt! :-)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I liked the arrows for their help in organizing your notes.


  9. Thanks for providing good information,Thanks for your sharing.


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