Sunday, January 5, 2025

Oh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful....

 There's a big winter storm headed our way later today.  Up to 10 inches of the beautiful snowman making snow!  I can hardly wait to bundle up, go outside and play in the snow.  While I wait, there's plenty to keep me busy inside.  Today I'll finish up the sashing units for the Old Town Quilt Mystery by Bonnie Hunter.  If you too are making this quilt, you're probably wondering about my sashing units.  Well, I altered the pattern a bit to suit my style by adding the blue corner triangles.

The change was easy since the math was in the pattern.  It's the same size and piece count as the white fabric, just in a blue fabric.

I can get these stitched up today, then I can start building the quilt!

They could have been sewn together yesterday but I took a little detour when digging in the scrap bins for the fabric to complete the sashing units.  One bin is for larger scraps, less than a fat quarter but no smaller than 2.5" wide.  The other bin is for fabric scraps less than 2.5" wide.

Both bins had a little bit of everything in them.  After hours of sorting and folding, the bins were as organized as they were going to get.  While sorting, I pulled what was needed to complete these units and to complete the border of this quilt.

But I still wasn't finished with scrap sorting.  I found my old sewing room curtains hiding in the bottom of one bin.  The seams were removed and the fabric added to the scrap stash.

While sifting through the bins, I also found triangles for making more HST's. OH NO!  More HST's in my future.  It's never ending!  They were stored away because....
Today's plan is working on the Old Town Mystery.
and maybe building a snowman!


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  1. It really sounds like central Indiana is going to really be hit with the snow. Northern Indiana isn't predicted to get any. Snow is pretty when you look out the window at it but driving is a different story! Enjoy your inside day.

  2. I'm crazy about the fabric you used for your sewing room curtains. Can you tell me anything about it - I'd love to search for some. Please and thank you!

    1. That's an old Joann Fabrics print. It's been discontinued. I wish I had purchased a whole blot or 2! I love it to.

    2. Thank you so much for your kind response. I appreciate it. Too bad it's been discontinued because it would still sell like crazy. Again, thank you.

  3. Hope you survived the storm and got to stitch a bit while you road it out. Looking forward to seeing your version of Old Town come together.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne

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