Tuesday, January 14, 2025

What's In The Box ~ Part 7 ~ My Tweets

 Hi Friends! Today's UFO is probably my oldest one.  The My Tweets by Erin Russek of One Piece at a Time was started way back in 2011.

Everything I need to finish this quilt top is here.  It's just a matter of mustering up the gumption to do the work.

I know many of my long-time followers are shocked to see orange and purple, right?  Instead of making this quilt my own and using different colors, I chose to match Erin's colors.  The reason is simple, my fabric stash was small, and I had all the colors in her version.

However, I do remember making some design changes to one or two of the smaller blocks.

All of the applique is handstitched.

This "kit" includes the threads, scissors, needles and the background fabric.  Most of the remaining applique pieces are finished and ready to be glue basted onto the border fabric.

I'm thinking this one should be worked into the rotation after I finish the Bumpkin Baskets applique quilt.

The My Tweets patterns are still available for purchase in Erin's Etsy Shop at very reasonable prices.  I was shocked that she hadn't raised the prices to match what other designers are charging these days.

The center block can be found here.
The 12 smaller blocks can be found here.

Erin's blog and her newest quilt design can be found by clicking here.  It's not a free pattern but it's cute and I have the center block in my shopping cart!

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  1. WOW! These blocks are beautiful even if they have orange in them. A perfect quilt for dreary winter days, I hope to see it finished this winter, happy stitching!

  2. What lovely quilt blocks. You've really put a lot of working in to this quilt. Your applique looks so nice.

  3. I remember collecting those patterns when they came out but they were a "someday" project and I have never gotten back to them. Your blocks look amazing, they will make a gorgeous quilt!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne

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