Friday, June 2, 2017

Monkey Butter and More

 Not a stitch has been made in the last couple of days.   One day was spent working hard in the garden and yesterday was spent canning Strawberry Jam and Monkey Butter.  Monkey Butter?  What on earth is that?!  I assure you no monkeys are in this tasty spread.  It's nothing more than bananas, pineapple and coconut.  This is my first time canning Monkey butter but not my last! YUMMY!  

Now let me say that the FDA says bananas cannot be safely home canned.  Well the FDA says a lot of things I don't think are quite true.  Millions of home canners all over the world preserve bananas and none of them have spent anytime in the ER or the bathroom for days on end.  As long as you follow the instructions you'll be fine.  So if you're still interested in trying your hand at something new and living on the wild side you can find the recipe I used by CLICKING HERE. 

Yesterday while at the grocery store I found pineapples on sale for .98 cents and 5 lbs. of carrots for $3.  So today I'll be canning pineapple chunks and pineapple jelly from the scraps.  Then last years leftover blackberries and black raspberries will become jam.  And the carrots... I can't decide if I want to drag out the pressure canner or just freeze them.  We'll see how I feel after preserving the fruit.

~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. Mmm monkey butter sounds yummy! Is it too sweet? I am trying to cut back on sugar and I find things are tasting too sweet now as I age also. But coconut banana pineapple are some favorites.

  2. You can pickle the carrots...

  3. Oh wow! Banana, pineapple and coconut.. in a butter!!?? Sounds divine. You've been super busy! :)

  4. Working so hard,,I have never heard of monkey butter

  5. Glad you explained Monkey butter-never heard of it before!

  6. Monkey butter sounds pretty interesting.

  7. The recipe for Monkey Butter sounds so yummy! It looks pretty simple, too. Thanks for once again introducing me to something new.

  8. That border is amazing!!! What a punch it added!!

    That border is amazing!!! What a punch it added!!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne

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