Monday, April 8, 2024

Sewing Time Needed

 Hello Quilty Friends!  After weeks of not sewing I needed a little quality time in the Podunk Quilting Studio.  No pattern required sewing is the quickest and easiest way to go when you don't want to use your brain.

So I pulled out the super scrappy UFO. It requires no math and no thinking.  Just sew and trim.  The only rule I have is have fun and try not to let the same colors touch.  I'll be adding to this piece in order to make a row that is about 8 1/2 x 70.  

I'll be pulling scraps from the cute little scrap fabric bins.

I just close my eyes and pull out a piece from the color bin I feel like I need.

Then start chain piecing.

The orange triangle piece was trimmed and I sewed 3 of the units together then added them to the original beginning square.

Now to deal with the pink and green piece.  I felt that the pink fabric was too large so I trimmed it down a bit.  Now to add a little blue to the top of the pink and green.

And then I just kept sewing and building until I had a piece big enough to add to the original square.  Then I found a piece hiding in the bins, it's below the yellow circle.

It was added to the unit and trimmed.  

Now to deal with the trimmings.  No scraps left behind!

They were sewn together with a red stripe fabric and then added to the end of the unit.

Here it is on the design wall.  The small section on the bottom is the one I just finished.  Not to bad for 30 minutes of sewing, huh?  

The original plan for this quilt was twin sized, so there's a long way to go.

You know what?  It felt good to be back at the sewing machine.  Why do I deprive myself of playing in the studio?  We really should take time out to play everyday.  Life is too short to work, work, work all the time.

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  1. I have a project similar to yours that I started a couple years ago. I think I'll pull it out and work on it in July and August. I don't have long period of time to sew in the summer so this scrappy project sounds perfect. Happy stitching!

  2. So glad you got to play in your studio and do some mindless sewing! It revives your spirit with all the kitchen and yard work you have going!
    Kaye Mattson

  3. HI Leanne! Somehow my email has quit showing me your posts: I just stumbled onto your blog today and was sad to see that the last post of yours that I saw was 2 years ago! I had a great time reading your posts from the last 4 months: I love your real and fresh way of writing! Love your dresden quilt, and I think you are an amazingly brave woman to tackle the cabinet refinishing, and picking out 1/4 of a quilt's quilting done in invisible thread!!! Take care, and I'll be hitting the subscribe button again so I can keep up with your adventures in Podunk! :-) Hug, H

  4. Replies
    1. Awe thank you so much for reaching out to me. I've been so busy around the property. Gardening and landscaping. I've not stepped foot in the sewing room in weeks! It's getting pretty scary in there. Dust and cobwebs. Hopefully I'll be back in there soon.


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