Monday, December 16, 2024

Little by Little ~ Old Town Mystery Part 4

 Hi Quilty Friends!  Today's quilting update is small, but there's still progress. The fabric for part four of the Old Town Mystery quilt is finally ready for cutting. My scrap bins lacked pieces large enough for the necessary matching sets, so I resorted to cutting some strips from my yardage stash. Naturally, most of these strips came from my cherished Lakehouse Drygoods collection, which always sets my heart aflutter.

I managed to cut four matching sets of half square triangles with Bonnie's Essential Triangle ruler, which was the most my injured wrist and hand could handle. A little progress is better than none. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day! Quilting is not only therapeutic for the mind but can also be physical therapy for hand and wrist injuries.

The cutting of strips and triangles was a slow process. I alternated between the cutting table and the sewing machine, where I managed to stitch down five sets of applique arcs and flowers.

My day involved more than just sewing. I also had to pressure can dog food and take breaks to rest my hand and wrist.

I also freeze and dehydrate dog food. It's worth the time and expense to keep her as healthy and happy as possible with her health issues.  It is also more affordable and healthier than high-quality commercial, or veterinarian prescribed dog food.

Today will likely be similar to yesterday, moving from one project to another. I plan to begin the day by sewing up the half-square triangles and then I'll go wherever the wind carries me.

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  1. Those aqua fabrics are so pretty, happy stitching!

  2. Khalessi is beautiful. Love German Shepards. Your cherish collection are pretty fabrics no wonder they make your heart flutter.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne

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