Saturday, January 4, 2025

Old Town Mystery Revealed

Yesterday's Old Town Reveal was exciting and I'm glad it's over.  Participating in a mystery quilt along is a real challenge for me.  I'm a control freak when it comes to quilting but over the years I learned to trust Bonnie.   Now that I've seen the quilt design I can relax and enjoy assembling the quilt.  I didn't have any sewing time yesterday, but I did find the time arrange one block on a design board.

Before tackling the quilt assembly, I thought it would be a good idea to trim the 341 half square triangles.  Most of these were made from the scraps of the Old Town Mystery Quilt.  The smallest HST I will make is one inch. Not sure what I will make with a HST that small, but it sounds like fun challenge.

The stash of HST's has almost outgrown this container.  I think it's time to pick a pattern and make a quilt from some of these this year.

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Friday, January 3, 2025

What's In The Box? ~ Part 5

Hello friends!  Digging through the box of UFO's has produce some sweet treats for us today. 

Heart Pops is the sweetest of them all!  It was an impulse pattern purchase in January 2023.  It's fun and cute but I don't think I'll be making more.  Just to be on the safe side it will be stored with the pattern and background fabric. 

Next up is the Vortex quilt I started 2 or 3 years ago. The plan for this one was to be my Sunday project. A stress relieving, scrap busting beauty.  She's as sweet as honey to look at but my patience for the tiny strips of fabric and the constant trimming of the blocks didn't suit my fancy for very long.  

She's not on the top of my list for finishing but I'll keep her around and work on her again...someday.

 The next UFO is scraps from a super scrappy quilt.  I started cutting the strips for it around 2010, give or take. Without a quilt plan or doing any quilt math I cut one 2.5 strip from every fabric I had in my small stash at the time. Yep, it was overkill even for the small stash.  Most of these fabrics were purchased at Walmart and Joann's. The yellow gingham is a polycotton from mom's stash.  And there is one designer fabric.  It was my first designer fabric bought in a local shop.  I can't remember the designer's name. But I do remember she quit designing a year or two after I purchased the fabric.  

Three quilts later and I still have scraps.  If you would like to see the 3 quilts and their storis click here.    This one needs to be finished so the story can have a happy ending.  It's going to the very top of the must finish list. 

The last UFO for today is the yummy blue Nifty Nine patches, started in 2014.  I had big plans for these, but it never happened.  They ended up in 2 other quilts. You can see them here and here.
I thought all of the nine patches were used in the second quilt.  But here we are with 45 nine patches and enough fabric to make several more.

I could still make the original quilt plan if I had more of this fabric line.  A quick dig in the stash and... I have more!

I dug a little deeper and found 1 1/2 yards of this gorgeous large floral from the same line of fabric called Paisley Denim by Clothworks.  Great for a quilt border on a smaller quilt.

The fabric pull was added to the UFO with plans of making the quilt...someday. 

After the UFO's are shared with you here on the blog, they are being sorted on my quilt frame as shown below.  

I have been searching for a more efficient and accessible storage system for the UFOs.  My theory is if they are easy to see and access, I will be more likely to work on them regularly, rather than pulling them out every year or two to see what is in the box.
Over the next week or two there will be at least 2 more What's In The Box blog post.  Hopefully by then I'll have a new UFO storage system, and the tote can become storage for finished quilts.

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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Old Town Mystery Quilt ~ Part 8

  What a great way to end the year and ring in the new!  Early Tuesday morning while still in my jammies and drinking coffee, Bonnie surprised us with Part 8 of the Old Town Mystery Quilt.  Woohoo!  I made Mr. Podunk's breakfast. Then did some chores and by noonish I was still in my jammies and cutting the fabrics for part 8.

Bonnie gave several options for making the flying geese blocks.  I chose to use Bonnie's Essential Triangle ruler since I would be cutting from smaller pieces of scrap fabrics.  
I sorted and cut fabric for hours...with breaks for food and resting the old lady back.  By 11:57pm my blocks were finished! It looks like there are only a few, but we had to make matching sets.  So, each one of these has a few more with the same fabric placement. 

  Today's plan: 
Stitch up half square triangles from the scrap triangles made while making this quilt.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025

Happy New Year Quilty Friends!  May the new year ahead be filled with love, laughter and truck loads of quilting fun!

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