Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Juggling Quilting Projects Chaos

 The weather in Podunk has been absolutely beautiful the last couple of days.  Sunny and 70 is perfect for opening the windows and doing a little spring cleaning.  And that's exactly what I did for a couple of days. Then I was ready to get back in the Studio and play with some fun spring projects.

As you can see above the Delightful Daisies quilt binding is almost finished.  All that is left to do is hand stitch it to the back of the quilt.  Getting to this point was not easy due to juggling multiple projects and every station of my studio is full of projects.

 The Daisy quilt was quilted and the backing fabric needed to be trimmed but my cutting table was full of HST's needing to be sorted into blocks.  Instead of moving them and possibly messing up the counted HST's I decided to finish the sorting process.

By the way....under the quilt in the picture above is the fabric for the pillow shams I planned to make.  Maybe this weekend the shams and curtains will make into the rotation. 

Back to the cutting table mess.  The HST's on are bonus HST's I've been collecting for many years.  This batch of HST's will be used to make 169 cake stand blocks.

It took about two hours to clear off the cutting table.  The HST's were sorted onto design boards.  Below is (169) sets of (4) matching HST's for the basket handles.

The next board is (169) sets of (2) matching HST's for the base of the basket block.

The last board is a bunch of 3 inch HST's for the basket body.  I still need to make more but can't find my scribble paper with the amount.   I mentioned the amounts in my last blog post so when it comes time to make more I can look there for the number needed instead of counting again.

I stacked the full boards and added them to the works in progress cart.  The cutting table was finally ready to trim the Daisy quilt.  I thought is rolling cart would help me organize my projects better.  And it would if I would stick to the rule of no more than 3 projects in rotation.

Right now, I have 6 projects.

1.  Old Town mystery - top of the cart
2. Cake Stand Quilt - middle of the cart
3.  Bumpkin Baskets - bottom of the cart
4. Pillow shams and curtains - pressing station
5. 2 bucks a block BOM - in a block storage tote(I've only made Jan. blocks)
6. Delightful Daisies - ready for hand stitching the binding

Instead of working out a plan or setting a goal to get back on track with just 3 projects.  I'm going to just let things happen organically.  When I get to them, I get to them.  No muss no fuss.  Quilting is my hobby, not my job.  I like a to be organized but I don't like feeling like I MUST do this before that.  It takes the fun out of quilting. 

I would like to start hand stitching the binding on the Daisy quilt today...sometime.  It's going to be sunny and 75 today.  A great day to be outside prepping the flowerbeds for the soon to sprout spring flowers.  Now there's a plan!

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  1. You are so much warmer than we are up north! We might possibly hit 70* Friday and hopefully have some sunsine!

  2. I'm crazy about your cake stand block and assortment of 1/2 square triangles. I've never made that particular block but I'm intrigued. Would you mind sharing all the measurements, please. Thank you.


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne

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