Thursday, October 22, 2015

Throwback Thursdays " In the Pink" Series quilt #1

Since this is Breast Cancer Awareness month it only seems appropriate to share a few of my pink quilts.  First let me do a little shout out to Krista for hosting the Throwback Thursdays for quilters.  You can find the link up at KristaQuilts every Thursday.  It's been fun seeing the quilts that have inspired quilters over the years and seeing the changes in quilt styles.   Hearing the tales of quilting woes and how they fixed them also seems to be a weekly theme.  I invite you to join us in our weekly walk down memory lane, you never know when you might be inspired or find some good quilting advice.
My "In the Pink" quilts are gifted to a Cancer survivor/patient.  Not all the quilts are pink, but the tradition of me making a quilt for cancer patients started with a Breast Cancer Quilt. 

Now let me say... this quilt was made long before my blogging days.  My photography skills were worse than my quilting skills.  Anyway...Mom had requested a quilt for a co-worker that survived breast cancer.  The pattern is Pink Ribbon from the Quilterscache.  If I were to make this quilt again the ribbon block would be reworked with fewer pieces and I think an Irish Chain block would look nicer as the alternating block.  Many different issues happened during the quilt construction.  I can't remember all of them, but I do remember being glad to finally finish and send it on its way.  One of the problems was cutting and piecing the flying geese blocks.  I cut all the pieces for these block in one night, and I cut them all the wrong size.  Just to make things worse there wasn't enough fabric to re-cut.   If you compare the quilt blocks below with my quilt blocks you'll see that mine has fewer geese and a smaller center.    All I remember is cussing a lot and reworking the block.  What you can't see in the fuzzy picture above is the machine embroidered words on each ribbon....Faith, Hope, Cure, Love and a couple more that slip my mind.  At this stage in my quilting life I didn't know how to FM quilt so the quilting was a simple outlining the shapes using my Domestic Machine.
See you next Thursday when I share my 
"Flying into the Pink" quilt.  A great quilt with an even better story.

~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. what an amazing quilt so good to bring breast awareness cause to so many people

  2. What a great gift. It's all those learning experiences with the early quilts that make it so much easier today. But that sure wasn't easy to appreciate at the time.


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