Yesterday evening I was contacted by my best quilting buddy, Bev. She had made a cutting error on a applique background fabric, but didn't realize it until after the applique was already fused in place. She came up with an idea to "fix" the issue by turning the too small block into a wall hanging. What a great idea!
Take a negative and turn it into a positive. I heard it said many years ago...
"The true measure of a quilter is not how perfect her quilt but how well she hides her mistakes."
So true. I've never seen a perfect quilt but over the years I have seen many clever ideas for salvaging or fixing quilting mistakes.
Well as you can see from the picture above she started by adding a small blue/teal border and then flying geese. At this point she became stuck as to what to do next. After playing around with several ideas she sent me a picture and asked for my advice. I'm no expert and I'm always giving advice...even when I'm not asked...HAHA! So finally someone REALLY wants my opinion. I would like to take all the credit for my quilting abilities but I couldn't do it without the help of technology and the many programs on my computer. One of my most used to design quilts is EQ8. It allows me to make mistakes without cutting my precious fabrics. It only took a few clicks to crop her block and import it into the program. I suggested the two solid borders to help slow down the quilt, give the eye and the crow a place to land.

Now that we stopped the movement of the center of the small quilt we could add more movement without feeling dizzy or disoriented. She decided to pull an idea from the original quilt pattern called Autumn Love by Lori Holt. We'll talk more about that later in this blog post. I added the stars she suggested and a binding to the EQ quilt drawing. It looks pretty good but doesn't quite seem "finished".
The stars added more movement and seemed to twirl out of control. Another solid border should slow down this crows flight into the stars.
Just for fun and this blog post I've added a striped binding. This should point the crow in the right direction instead of flying all willy-nilly around the quilt. Bev thanked me for my creation but really I was just taking cues from her, making the changes and then giving her a visual. Well done Bev! You created a super cute fall quilt that I'm sure others would love to make too.
So if your interested in making Bev's "Something to Crow About" quilt here's what you need to know.
The original quilt block can be found at the Bee In My Bonnet Blog. Click the image below to go to the Bee in My Bonnet blog post about this block and to see the entire quilt with those tiny stars.
Oh let's not forget to credit Bev for today's post. Below is just a small sample of her amazing quilting inspiration. Click on the image below to see more of her adorable quilting creations. She's my kind of quilter. And by that I mean we play in the same color pallete.
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What a cute quilt!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to fix the problem! I love the finished design!! (of course I do: I'm working on that quilt too!!) I need to get familiar with my EQ8! Hugs, H